
Vpliv reorganizacije na organizacijsko klimo Centra za socialno delo Spodnje Podravje, enota Ormož
ID Hojnik, Špela (Author), ID Mesec, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Organizacijska klima ima močan vpliv na delovanje organizacije. Organizacije s pomočjo dobrega vodenja in odgovornostjo ter poznavanjem poslanstva in vizije organizacije vzdržujejo svojo organizacijsko klimo. Organizacijska klima se spremeni z vsako spremembo v organizaciji. Na učinkovitost in uspešnost organizacije vplivajo zadovoljni zaposleni in dober vodja, ki jih zna vsakodnevno spodbujati. V magistrskem delu so predstavljeni koncepti soustvarjanja pomoči v delovnem odnosu, organizacijska klima, enota Ormož, naloge enote Ormož. Uporabila sem deskriptivno in kvalitativno metodo raziskovanja s pomočjo intervjuja in kvantitativno analizo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Anketirala in intervjuvala sem deset zaposlenih na Centru za socialno delo Spodnje Podravje, enota Ormož (v nadaljevanju enota Ormož). Rezultate sem v kvantitativnem delu obdelala s programoma Excel in SPSS in s pomočjo kvalitativne deskriptivne metode v kvalitativnem delu. Tako sem dobila odgovore na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja in pojasnitev raziskovalnih hipotez. Z raziskavo sem želela ugotoviti stanje organizacijske klime na enoti Ormož po reorganizaciji centrov za socialno delo. Pri zaposlenih me je zanimalo, kakšen je obseg njihovih delovnih nalog po reorganizaciji v primerjavi s prej in kako so doživeli reorganizacijo ter kakšen vtis je pustila na njih, oziroma kaj menijo o smiselnosti realizacije reorganizacije. Nisem mogla v celoti potrditi, da je organizacijska klima na enoti Ormož po uvedbi reorganizacije negativna, sem pa dokazala, da je slabša v primerjavi z notranjimi odnosi med zaposlenimi na enoti Ormož. Prav tako časa za terensko delo ni več kot pred reorganizacijo, le veliko manj v primerjavi s časom pred reorganizacijo. Na pozitivno organizacijsko klimo dokazano vplivajo zadovoljstvo z vodenjem, notranji odnosi, motivacija in zavzetost in iskrena volja do opravljanja strokovnega socialnega dela ter ostalih področij dela na enoti Ormož.

Keywords:vzdušje v organizaciji, spremembe, vodenje, motivacija, zadovoljstvo pri delu, počutje pri delu
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112649 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of the reorganization on organizational atmosphere at the social services department in the lower Drava region, unit Ormož
The organizational atmosphere has a great impact on how the organization operates. Organizations keep their organizational atmosphere by means of good leadership and responsibility or so to say by the knowledge of the mission and vision of the organization. A great impact on the efficiency and success of an organization have satisfied employees and a good leader who is able to encourage them every day. In my master’s thesis there are presented concepts of co-creating help in the employment relationship, organizational atmosphere, at the unit in Ormož and the tasks of the unit in Ormož. There was used the descriptive and qualitative method of research by means of interviews and a quantitative analysis by a questionnaire. There were surveyed ten employees at the social services department in the lower Drava region, unit Ormož (furthermore unit Ormož). The results were edited in the quantitative part with the programme Excel and SPISS and by the means of a qualitative descriptive method in the qualitative part. So answers to the questions asked at research were given and also the explanation to research hypothesis. With the research the condition of the organizational atmosphere at the unit Ormož was found out after the reorganization of the social services department. The employees were asked about the scope of work after the reorganization in comparison to the former condition and how they experienced the reorganization and what impression it had on them or so to say what they think about the convenience of the realisation of the reorganization. It could not be confirmed that the organizational atmosphere at the unit in Ormož after the implementation of the reorganization was negative as a whole but it was confirmed that it is worse in comparison with the internal relations among the employees at the unit in Ormož as it was before. There is also not so much time for field service as it was before the reorganization, it is less in comparison with the time available before the reorganization. An impact on positive organizational atmosphere evidently has satisfaction with the leadership, internal relations, motivation and diligence or so to say the honest will to do professional social work and other work fields at the unit in Ormož.

Keywords:atmosphere in the organization, changes, leading, motivation, satisfaction at work, feeling at work

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