Surveying using online panels has become one of the main methods of data collection. Their usefulness is increasing from year to year and they are used in various fields of research. In the thesis, I present online panels in general and then focus on the analysis of time that panelists spend to fill out a questionnaire. I am particularly interested in whether there is a difference in time taken to complete the survey for panelists with different socio-demographic characteristics. For socio-demographic variables I used gender, age, and education. I also included variables that measure how much effort and attention the panelists put into the survey, based on their own estimation. Using data from a survey within a commercial online panel, I found out that the time spent by the panelists for completing the questionnaire was correlated with gender, age, effort and attention, but not with education. Results are important for further studying the issue of speeding and its consequences for survey data quality.