
Prehranjenost šolskih otrok in njihova obravnava debelosti : magistrsko delo
ID Pavc Mikec, Ksenija (Avtor), ID Pandel Mikuš, Ruža (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Urbančič, Magdalena (Komentor)

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MD5: 6256CFAFD077E3D427FABCAF35BB51C1

Uvod: Prekomerna prehranjenost otrok v Sloveniji in po svetu se povečuje. To predstavlja velik javnozdravstveni problem. Pomembno je, da se prekomerna prehranjenost otrok čim prej odkrije s sistematičnimi pregledi otrok. Potrebna je celostna obravnava prekomerno hranjenih otrok in njihovih družin. Zavedati se je treba posledic, ki jih prinaša prekomerna hranjenost. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti prehranjenost populacije šolskih otrok v dispanzerju skozi obdobje devetih let. Želimo predstaviti tudi šestletno obravnavo debelih otrok, ki se zdravijo v bolnišnici. Podrobneje bomo predstavili tudi vse v tej ustanovi obravnavane otroke v zadnjem letu. Metode dela: Uporabljen bo koncept triangulacije, raziskovalni problem bo obravnavan na treh ravneh. Literaturo s pregledom domačih in tujih izvirnih znanstvenih člankov za obravnavo raziskovalnega problema smo iskali za obdobje zadnjih deset let (2009–2019). Kvantitativna metoda raziskovanja v dispanzerju je predstavljala populacijo 510 otrok obveznikov za sistematske preglede iz 15 osnovnih šol in 6 podružničnih osnovnih šol na Dolenjskem. Kvantitativna raziskava v bolnišnici pa je predstavljala 155 vseh obravnavanih otrok od leta 2012 do leta 2017, ter 52 otrok, ki so bili sprejeti v obravnavo v letu 2017 in so bili udeleženi v enoletnem programu zdravljenja. Pridobljeni podatki so bili analizirani s programom SPSS. Rezultati so bili oblikovani grafično z računalniškim programom MS Excel. Rezultati: Zbrani rezultati iz dispanzerja za šolske otroke in mladino so potrdili hipotezo, da prehranjenost šolskih otrok obeh spolov s starostjo narašča. Rezultat hi-kvadrat testa je pokazal statistično značilno povezanost prehranjenosti s starostjo (?2 = 161,897, p = 0,000). Hipotezo, da je več prekomerno hranjenih šolarjev moškega spola, smo zavrnili. Hi-kvadrat test ni pokazal statistično značilne razlike med deležema slabo prehranjenih dečkov in deklic (?2 = 0,237, p = 0,627). Zavrnili smo tudi hipotezo iz rezultatov raziskave v bolnišnici, da je mestno bivalno okolje v pozitivni korelaciji s prekomerno prehranjenostjo otrok. Rezultat hi-kvadrat testa ni pokazal statistično značilne povezanosti prehranjenosti z bivalnim okoljem niti ob sprejemu (?2= 0,310, p = 0,578), niti po enem letu obravnave (?2 = 0,124, p = 0,725). Hipotezo, da je indeks telesne mase pri obravnavanih otrocih po enem letu obravnave statistično značilno nižji kot ob sprejemu, smo potrdili. Indeks telesne mase je v povprečju po enem letu obravnave nižji (M = 25,7) kot ob sprejemu (M = 28,9). Rezultat t-testa je pokazal statistično značilno razliko (t = 9,323, p = 0,000). Razprava in zaključek: Z raziskavo v dispanzerju smo dokazali, da prekomerna hranjenost otrok in mladostnikov obeh spolov s starostjo narašča. Zbrani podatki iz bolnišnice kažejo, da sta uspešno zdravljenje debelosti otrok in ohranjanje nižjega indeksa telesne mase prisotna tudi še po enoletni obravnavi. Diplomirane medicinske sestre so pomembne v preventivi in zdravljenju prekomerne telesne teže otrok in mladostnikov.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:prehrana, šolar, zdravljenje debelosti, diplomirana medicinska sestra
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112615 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5721195 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:26.10.2019
Število ogledov:2789
Število prenosov:331
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Nutrition of school children and their treatment of obesity : master thesis
Introduction: Childhood obesity is increasing rapidly in Slovenia and around the world. This represents a major public health problem. It is important that childhood obesity is detected as soon as possible through systematic reviews of children. A comprehensive treatment of obese children and their families is needed. We need to take in consideration the consequences of obesity. Purpose: The purpose of the master’s thesis is to determinate the nutrition of the population of school children in the Dispensary for school children and youth over a period of nine years. We would also like to present a six-year treatment of overweight children that are being treated in the hospital. We will use different indicators to introduce all the children treated in the last year in more detail. Methods: We will use the concept of triangulation, where the research problem will be addressed at three levels. We will search the literature by going through domestic and foreign original scientific articles to address the research problem for the last ten years (2009-2019). The quantitative survey method in the dispensary has represented a population of 510 systematic examiners from 15 primary schools and 6 branch primary schools in Dolenjska region. The quantitative hospital survey represents 155 of all children considered from 2012 to 2017 and 52 children admitted in 2017 who were participants in the first annual treatment program. The data obtained was analysed using SPSS program. The results were graphically formatted using the MS Excel computer program. Results: The results obtained from the Dispensary for school children and youth confirmed the hypothesis that over-nutrition of school children of both sexes statistically increases with age. The results of the chi-square test showed a statistically significant association of over-nutrition with age (χ2 = 161,897, p = 0,000). We have rejected the hypothesis that there are more over-fed male students. The chi-square test showed no statistically significant difference between the proportions of malnourished boys and girls (χ2 = 0,237, p = 0,627). We also rejected the hypothesis, based on the results of a study at the hospital, that urban living environment is positively correlated with childhood obesity. The result of chi-square test showed no statistically significant association between over-nutrition and living environment, either at admission (χ2= 0,310, p = 0,578), or after one year of treatment (χ2 = 0,124, p = 0,725). The hypothesis that the body mass index of the treated children was statistically significantly lower after one year of treatment, was confirmed. On average, after one year of treatment, the body mass index was lower (M = 25, 7) than at admission (M = 28, 9). The chi-square results showed a statistically significant difference (t = 9,323, p = 0,000). Discussion and conclusion: With the research at the Dispensary we have proven that over-nutrition of children and youth of both sexes is increasing with age. The data collected in our study from the hospital show that successful treatment of childhood obesity and maintaining a lower body mass index are still present after one year of treatment. Graduate nurse practitioners represent an important part in the prevention and treatment of overweight children and adolescents.

Ključne besede:nutrition, school children, treatment of obesity, nurse

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