
Skrb za pacientovo intimo - spol izvajalca zdravstvene nege : diplomsko delo
ID Krupenko, Urban (Author), ID Thaler, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Moški so se že v zgodovini pojavljali kot negovalci. To dokazujejo zapisi iz Indije, Rimskega cesarstva in srednjega veka. Dandanes število moških diplomantov v zdravstveni negi narašča. Številke iz obdobja 2006 – 2016 kažejo na povečanje deleža moških z 9% na 17%. Pri izvajanju zdravstvenih storitev prihajamo v stik s pacientom (fizično in psihično), ta stik pa je v literaturi opisan z izrazi, kot so pacientov intimni prostor, dostojanstvo in bližina. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je proučiti odnose med pacienti in zdravstvenimi delavci s poudarkom na pacientovem doživljanjem posega, s katerim posegamo v intimnost pacienta in dostojanstvo ter raziskati vpliv spola zdravstvenega delavca na ta odnos. Metode dela: Uporabljeni sta dve metodi dela: vsebinski pregled literature ter empirična metoda dela. Anketa je sestavljena iz 6 vprašanj o neprijetnih dogodkih pri pregledih, o zaupanju raznim zdravstvenim delavcem ter o vplivu spola zdravstvenega delavca pri izvajanju zdravstvene nege pacienta. Anketiranci so razdeljeni glede na demografske podatke (spol, starost in izobrazbo). Pri starosti so razvrščeni v starostne skupine po 10 let od vključno 18. leta dalje. Rezultati: K anketi je bilo povabljenih 165, sodelovalo je 161 anketirancev (98 žensk in 63 moških). Največ anketirancev je bilo v starostni skupini 18-29 let, večina je imela končano srednjo strokovno šolo ali gimnazijo. Najbolj pogost odgovor pri vprašanju o zadnji neprijetni izkušnji je fizikalni pregled (45%). V anketi je izpostavljen neprimeren odnos zdravstvenih delavcev (20%), nekateri anketiranci še niso imeli neprijetnih izkušenj (31%). Najbolj neprijetne izkušnje anketirancev so porazdeljene: primarna raven (41%), sekundarna raven (19%), terciarna raven zdravstvene dejavnosti (13%). Anketiranci najbolj zaupajo svoje težave zdravnikom in medicinskim sestram. 52% anketirancev meni, da je fizični pregled najbolj neprijeten. Pri vprašanju o vplivu spola zdravstvenega delavca je 42% anketirancev odgovorilo, da naj jih neguje oseba istega spola, 51% anketirancem se je odločilo za odgovor: Mi je vseeno. Razprava in zaključek: Število zaposlenih moških v zdravstveni negi se povečuje. Pri obravnavi se moramo zavedati vstopa v pacientov intimni prostor. Ta vstop je velikokrat spregledan. Raziskava je pokazatelj pacientovega doživljanja intimnega prostora, prav tako pa je tudi pokazatelj odnosa zdravstvenega delavca do pacienta.

Keywords:moški kot izvajalec zdravstvene nege, pacient, intimni prostor, dostojanstvo, odnos
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112585 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5718123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Care for patient's intimacy - influence of nurse's gender : diploma work
Introduction: Many sources in history that exist, which indicate that men have already been caregivers in the past. Nowadays the number of graduated males in nursing is increasing. Such are the facts from the year 2006 – 2016, where the percentage of males increased to 17%. As health workers we get in touch with patients (physically and psychologically). This contact is often described with words, such as intimate space, dignity and closeness. Purpose: The purpose is to study the relationship between patients and health workers with the emphasis on patient's point of view on the interventions into his/her intimate space and dignity. Methods: Two methods were used in diploma work. First was short literature review, the second was the empirical research. The survey consisted of 6 questions about uncomfortable experiences at medical examinations and the influence of the health worker's gender while providing intimate care. Respondents were organized into groups while taking the demographic data into account (gender, age and education). There were age groups made from the age of 18 onwards. Results: There were 161 respondents in total (98 women and 63 men). The majority was located in the age group 18-29, the most frequent level of education was finished secondary school. The most frequent answer about the last uncomfortable medical examination respondents chose is physical examination (45%). Answers about inappropriate health worker's behaviour must not be overlooked (20%), 31% of respondents had no such experience respectively. The answers about the most uncomfortable experience were organised into three groups: primary (41%), secondary (19%) and tertiary health system (13%). Respondents trust doctors and nurses the most when discussing personal (intimate) issues. 52% of respondents thought that physical examination is the most uncomfortable. 42% of all respondents answered that they should receive help from the caregiver of the same gender. 51% of all respondents chose the answer I don't care. Discussion and conclusion: The number of male nurses is increasing. While taking care of patients we need to remember how to approach them, because it is the significant indicator of the good nurse-patient relationship.

Keywords:men in nursing, patient, intimate space, dignity, relationship

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