
Robotsko varjenje MAG s sistemom za sledenje zvarnemu spoju
ID Škufca, Domen (Author), ID Klobčar, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo prikazuje raziskavo sledenja dejanski zvarni regi pri robotskem varjenju MAG z uporabo programa CMT. Na trgu obstajajo različni sistemi. Na varjencu je potreba po zelo kakovostnih varih, kajti v nasprotnem primeru lahko pride do poškodb ali celo smrtnih žrtev pri uporabi izdelka. Do nekakovostnih varov prihaja zaradi različnih debelin in kemičnih sprememb vhodnega materiala. Posledica njih so odpreški z različnimi geometrijami. S senzorji za nadzor pri varjenju skrbimo za pravilno gibanje robotskega gorilnika ter za pravilne varilne parametre. S tem poskrbimo, da je uvaritev po celotnem zvaru dobra in posledično ima zvar boljše mehanske lastnosti. Ker gre za serijsko proizvodnjo je potrebno narediti stroškovni izračun prihranka, ki nastane ob uporabi omenjenega sistema. Prihranek se pojavi na zmanjšani količini dodatnega ročnega popraviljanja kosov. Prikazane so mehanske lastnosti varov, ki so bili varjeni s sistemom za nadzor pri varjenju ter primerjava z vzorci, kjer sistem za nadzor pri varjenju ni bil uporabljen. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da pri adaptivnem varjenju dobimo večjo uvaritev v osnovni material in večjo višino zvara.

Keywords:varjenje MAG CMT, robotsko varjenje, nadzor varjenja, optični senzorji, testiranje, izračun prihrankov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Škufca]
Number of pages:XXV, 76 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112584 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16963355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:MAG welding using seam tracking systems
The master's thesis shows the study of the seam tracking in the robotic CMT welding. There are different systems on the market. On our welding product it is necessary to provide quality joints, otherwise, injuries or even death of the product users can be caused. Unsuitable welds come due to different thickness or chemical changes of the base materials, resulting in welding parts with different geometries. With welding control sensors, we ensure the proper movement of the robotic torch and the use of correct welding parameters. By doing this we ensured that the weld penetration is good and consequently the weld has acceptable mechanical properties. Due to a series production, it is necessary to make a cost estimate of the savings that occurs when using the system. We saved on rework of pieces, which we performed manually. In master thesis we shows the mechanical properties of welds, which were welded by the welding control system and the comparison with samples where the welding control system was not used. It has been found that we get deeper penetration in base material and greater root height of the weld if we use adaptive welding.

Keywords:MAG CMT welding, robotic welding, welding control, optical sensors, testing, production savings

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