
Odnos do socialne robotike z vidika razširjene teorije načrtovanega vedenja
ID Malovrh, Jana (Author), ID Rus, Velko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru magistrskega dela sem proučevala odnos do socialne robotike v zvezi s pomočjo osebam v pozni odraslosti z vidika (a) razširjene teorije načrtovanega vedenja in (b) utemeljene teorije trenutno zaznanih problemov. V študiji je sodelovalo 238 udeležencev in udeleženk. Od tega je 158 udeležencev in udeleženk, ki jih lahko uvrstimo v razvojno obdobje prehoda v odraslost (študenti in študentke različnih študijskih smeri), izpolnjevalo vprašalnik v spletni obliki. Ostalih 82 udeležencev, ki jih lahko uvrstimo v razvojno obdobje pozne odraslosti (upokojenci in upokojenke), je izpolnjevalo vprašalnik v klasični, papir-svinčnik obliki. Uporabljen je bil izvorno konstruiran vprašalnik (Malovrh in Rus, 2019) z naslovom: Analiza modela razširjene teorije načrtovanega vedenja na področju socialne robotike (v zvezi s pomočjo osebam v pozni odraslosti). Pri tem je konstrukcija vprašalnika v glavnem sledila smernicam, ki jih je določil avtor teorije načrtovanega vedenja Icek Ajzen (2006 in 2013). Rezultati so pokazali, da se vsi posamično obravnavani napovedniki razširjenega modela pomembno pozitivno povezujejo z vedenjskimi ter implementacijskimi nameni. Poleg tega se je pokazala pomembna razlika v zaznanem vedenjskem nadzoru do socialne robotike glede na spol in izbrana starostna obdobja ter pomembna razlika v stališčih do socialne robotike glede na spol. Analiza odgovorov po postopku utemeljene teorije je pokazala, da udeleženci znotraj obravnavanega področja zaznavajo tehnične probleme, problem nedostopnosti robotske tehnologije, problem zavračanja tehnologije s strani starostnikov in problem ''(ne)etičnosti'' odnosa robot-starostnik. Ugotovitve magistrske raziskave ponujajo predloge za nadaljnje praktično delo na področju socialne robotike, ki bo namenjeno uporabnikom iz obdobja pozne odraslosti.

Keywords:socialna robotika, teorija načrtovanega vedenja, utemeljena teorija, pomoč starostnikom, razvojna obdobja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112535 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.10.2019
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Title:Relation to social robotics from the perspective of the extended theory of planned behavior
Within the framework of the master thesis, I studied the relations towards social robotics in the connection with the assistance to persons in the late adulthood from the perspective (a) of the extended theory of planned behavior and (b) the grounded theory of the problems sensed currently. In the study, there were 238 participants. There were 158 participants who could be classified in the developmental period of transition to adulthood (students of different fields of study) and who filled in the online questionnaire. The other 82 participants who could be classified in the developmental period of late adulthood (retirees) filled in the questionnaire in a classical paper-pencil form. An originally designed questionnaire was used (Malovrh and Rus, 2019). It was titled The Analysis of the Model of the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior in the Field of Social Robotics (in Connection with the Assistance to Persons in Late Adulthood). In the process, the construction of the questionnaire mainly followed the directives which were determined by the author of the theory of planned behavior Icek Ajzen (200 and 20013). The results showed that all the individually discussed predictors of the extended model connect with behavioral and implementation purposes positively and significantly. In addition, a significant difference in the sensed behavioral control towards social robotics with regards to the gender and the selected age brackets emerged, as well as a significant difference in the attitudes towards social robotics with regards to the gender. The analysis of the answers according to the procedure of the grounded theory showed that the participants within the selected field sense technical problems, the problem of inaccessibility of robotic technology, the problem of rejecting the technology by the elderly, and the problem of the “unethical” relationship a robot – the elderly. The ascertainments of the research for the master’s thesis offer the proposals for further practical work in the field of social robotics which will be intended to the users in the period of late adulthood.

Keywords:social robotics, theory of planned behavior, grounded theory, elder care, developmental stages

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