The assignment presents the significance of the tattoos, which they have for their holders and individual attitude to the body, the expression of the identity of the individual through the art of tattooing and the individualism of young people through a tattoo, between the ages of 19 and 31, in the present Slovenia.
In briefly is presented tattooing (presentation of basic concepts, formation, etc.) and a historical overview of tattooing (prevalence across Europe over time, the change in meaning, etc.). The assignment also covers the very process of tattooing and the formation of a tattoo; frequent tattoo locations; the dominant motives of tattoos; the rating of pain present during and after tattooing, given by tattoo holders and a presentation of the reasons, which led individuals to a tattoo.
The work is mainly based on fieldwork and on the interviews with students (both men and women), aged 19 to 31, who are residents of Slovenia and have a tattoo