Media discourse is one of the key makers of reality and consequently an important player in the construction of national identity. It is based on the thesis that nations are imagined by the community, the product of the interaction between people at a wider level, which was produced only by the development of the press. The main purpose of the master's thesis is to examine whether we can talk about the presence of elements of patriotism and nationalism in the media discourse of Melania Trump. I focus on two research questions, how are the elements of nationalism and patriotism illustrated in the media coverage of Melania Trump and, more specifically, how newspapers Delo and Slovenske novice represent Melania Trump as a Slovenian woman who succeeded in the world. The methodology I use in the paper is the analysis of the discourse of media publications in the newspaper Delo and Slovenske novice on the basis of 29 newspaper articles for the period from January to June 2017. The construction of the identity of Melania Trump as a Slovenian has in many cases a commercial intention and is used for consumer promotion purposes.