
Cirkuška umetnost pri delu z otroki in mladostniki
ID Radivojević, Ankica (Author), ID Razpotnik, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vidrih, Alenka (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6043/ This link opens in a new window

Terapevtska uporaba cirkuške umetnosti se je začela uveljavljati šele v zadnjih letih. Trenutne raziskave se osredotočajo na uporabo cirkuških umetnosti – predvsem na manipulacijo z objekti (žongliranje, rolabola, hulahup), partnerske akrobacije, zračne umetnosti (trapez, svila, vrv) in klovnstvo. Spretnosti, značilne za cirkuško umetnost, lahko dodatno izboljšajo koordinacijo, osredotočenost, potrpežljivost, toleranco do frustracij in ciljno usmerjenost ter tako zagotovijo okolje za varno soočanje s tveganji. Cirkuška umetnost uporablja cirkuške veščine za dosego pedagoških in terapevtskih ciljev, kot so razvijanje osebnostnih in skupinskih lastnosti ter socialnih veščin. Cilji se prilagajajo glede na posameznika in skupino, tj. glede na to, kaj v tistem trenutku potrebuje in zaznava. V teoretičnem delu raziskujem uporabo cirkuške umetnosti kot terapevtskega orodja. V empiričnem delu me zanima, kako uporabnost in pomen tega procesa razumejo mentorji v opazovani skupini otrok ter kako proces doživljajo otroci, ki so vključeni v program uličnega cirkusa. Raziskujem tudi, ali lahko v cirkuški umetnosti prepoznamo nekatere elemente pomoči z umetnostjo, kako celotni projekt vpliva na socialno-emocionalni razvoj udeležencev in kateri so ključni vidiki dela po mnenju mentorjev. Z uporabo orodij cirkuške umetnosti lahko otrokom omogočamo tudi nove socialne in čustvene svetove. Ne samo da razvijejo moč, koordinacijo in fizično zavest, pridobijo lahko tudi na samozavesti, saj imajo veliko priložnosti za kreativno izražanje znotraj skupine.

Keywords:pomoč z umetnostjo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111822 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12624969 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.10.2019
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Title:Circus art used at work with children and adolescents
The therapeutical usage of the circus art has begun to gain recognition in recent years. The majority of the current research is focused on the usage of particular aspects of the circus art – object manipulation (juggling, rola-bola tricks, hula-hoop), acrobatics in partnership with another person, aerial arts (trapeze, silk and rope) and clownery. The specific sets of skills developed through the circus art trainings can increase individual’s coordination levels, focus, patience, tolerance to frustration, as well as goal oriented behavior and therefore help establish a safe environment for risk-taking tasks. The art of circus uses circus skills to reach specific pedagogical and therapeutic goals, such as positive development of personal and group traits and various social skills. These goals are adequately adjusted according to the specific needs and perceptions of the individual and his group. In the theoretical part of my thesis, I explore the use of the circus art as a therapeutic tool. Later on, in the empirical part, I study the perspective and reactions in the monitored group of children and mentors involved in a street circus program. I am also exploring whether in circus art we can identify the elements of help with art and how the whole project affects the socio-emotional development of the participants. Additionally, I inquire the mentors on their perspective about the crucial aspects of their work. By using circus arts tools, we can introduce new social and emotional worlds to children. Not only do they develop strength, coordination and physical awareness, but they can gain confidence through their ability to creatively express themselves within the group.

Keywords:art therapy

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