
Stigmatizacija in samostigmatizacija odraslih oseb s shizofrenijo : diplomsko delo
ID Jakofčič, Iris (Author), ID Plemelj Mohorič, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Shizofrenija je duševna motnja, ki se pogosto pojavi že v mladih letih. Bolezen pripelje do stigmatizacije oseb s shizofrenijo in posledično tudi do samostigmatizacije. To ima za osebe s shizofrenijo negativen vpliv na medsebojne odnose z ostalimi osebami, vključevanje v družbo, zaposlovanje in izvajanje raznih aktivnosti. Osebe s shizofrenijo pogosto težko najdejo in ohranijo zaposlitev. Namen: Zanimalo nas je ali je pri osebah s shizofrenijo prisotno doživljanje stigmatizacije in ali imajo zaradi prisotnosti le-te težave pri svojem vsakodnevnem delovanju. Ugotavljali smo ali se posledično osebe samostigmatizairajo in ali to predstavlja ovire pri izvajanju vsakodnevnih aktivnosti. Metode dela: Izvedli smo štiri poglobljene intervjuje z osebami s shizofrenijo. Vodilo intervjuja je bilo izdelano na osnovi vprašalnika Discrimination and Stigma Scale. Intervjuje smo posneli in transkribirali. Izvedli smo kvalitativno analizo besedila pri čemer smo uporabili kombinacijo odprtega in osnega kodiranja. Rezultati: Kvalitativna analiza je izkazala pet glavnih tem: doživljanje stigmatizacije, samostigmatizacija, razkrivanje bolezni, posledice bolezni in podpore. Ugotovili smo, da je stigmatizacija danes redkejša kot nekoč, vendar se kljub temu še pojavlja na različnih življenjskih področjih. Samostigmatizacija se večinoma pojavlja na začetku, torej po postavitvi diagnoze, nakar večinoma izgine. Razprava in zaključek: Osebe s shizofrenijo se pogosto ne zaposlijo in imajo status invalida. Težja obdobja svojega življenja premagajo z različnimi aktivnostmi in s podporo družine. Vlogo pri tem imajo tudi delovni terapevti, ki pomagajo osebam pri izbiri hobijev, skozi razne aktivnosti pomagajo ohraniti ali ponovno vzpostaviti socialne stike, učijo strategije ohranjanja zdravja ter spoprijemanja z boleznijo, stigmatizacijo in samostigmatizacijo.

Keywords:doživljanje stigmatiziranosti, razkrivanje bolezni, aktivnost, oviranost, motnje v duševnem zdravju
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111706 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5707883 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Stigma and self-stigma experienced by adults with schizophrenia : diploma work
Introduction: Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that often occurs in younger years. The disease leads to the stigmatization of people with schizophrenia and, consequently, self-stigmatization. For people with schizophrenia, this has a negative impact on their interactions with others, social inclusions, employment and various activities. People with schizophrenia often find it difficult to find a maintain employment. Purpose: We were interested in how the phenomenon of stigmatization in self-stigmais reflected in the functioning of persons with schizophrenia.We were also interested in the fact that people with schizophrenia experience stigmatization and whether they have difficulties in theri daily functioning or, consequently, people are self-stigmatized, and whether this presents obstacles to their dily activities. Methods of work: We conducted four in-depth interviews with people with schizophrenia. The interview guide was based on the Discrimination and Stigma Scale questionnaire. Interviews were recorded and transkribed.Qualitative text analysis was performed using a combination of open and axial coding. Results: The qualitative analysis has shown five main themes: experiencing stigmatization, self-stigma, disease disclosure, consequences of illness and support. We have found out that stigmatization today is more rare than it used to be, but nevertheless it still occurs in different areas of life. Self-stigmatization mostly occurs at the beginning, that is, after diagnosis, and then mostly disappears. Discussion and conclusion: People with schizophrenia often do not work and have a disability status. The more difficult periods of their lives are overcome by various activities and with the support of the family. Occupational therapists also play a role in helping people choose hobbies, through various activities they help to maintain or re-establish social contacts, learn various strategies for maintaining health and coping with illness, stigmatization and self-stigma.

Keywords:experiencing stigma, disease disclosure, activity, disability, mental health disorders

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