The diploma paper tries to present the beginning of hoping at first – i am interested in how hop came to the Savinja Valley, who brought it, how and why its growth began, to become so generalized that they were cultivated by practically everyone. The effect of hop on local residents will be presented, both from the economic and cultural point of v iew. It is also a positive and negative score of hop. In particular, how they improved the quality of life, but nevertheless demanded a quantative and physical workload, as the whole family had to work together. Stories will be presented about time before and after the arrival of mechanization. I am wondering how time consuming and difficult manual work took place and what new machines brought. Afterall, how was the work of hoppers organized. The most entnological or anthropological oriented part is an expanded phenomenon of seasonal work. I would be interested in the lifestories of seasonal workers and the occasions that came from different areas to harvest hop in order to earn a living. I want to know the reasons why they stayed in the Savinja Valley and what was their route. Living everyday life is also connected with culture of hop, which is etnologically interesting primarily from custums that are performed. From the words of the interviewers it is presented the selection of hop elders and princess of hopers's day, and the awarding awards to hoppers is described.