The bachelor's thesis presents short-term climate changes in the Holocene, based on paleoclimatic archives. The period is broken down into shorter subperiods, whit a particular emphasis on relatively well documented rapid climate events. Selected case studies show the effect of climate fluctuations on the ecosystem. That is in this case the man and the environment that surrounds him, including the fauna and flora. The mechanims of climate fluctuations are explained, their causes and how they spread across the Earth's surface. Greater emphasis is placed on paleoclimatological archives through which the past climate is interpreted. Different types of archives and the methodology for their interpretation are presented. The bachelor's thesis is a synthesis of selected climate fluctuations, which does not cover all the data on this issue, but offers insight into the complexity of the question – what was the past climate at a given location during a given period of time, what were its effects on the community and how to interpret it? It is an attempt to demonstrate the necessity of paleoecological research in archaeological work.