
Jože Javoršek in Matej Bor
ID Pirnat, Anja (Author), ID Perenič, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na tisto obdobje Javorškovega življenja, iz katerega je njegovo prijateljevanje oz. dopisovanje z Matejem Borom. Javoršek in Bor sta se poznala iz partizanske kulturniške skupine, začetek korespondence pa na podlagi pisem iz zapuščine Mateja Bora v NUK-u in pisem, ki jih hranijo Javorškovi sorodniki, datiramo nekoliko kasneje. Njuno dopisovanje se je začelo leta 1955 in končalo leta 1988. Tematsko so pisma raznolika: pišeta si o svojih literarnih delih oz. ustvarjanju, o polemičnih okroglih mizah, vsebujejo politične in družbene premisleke. Razkrijejo se pogledi na literarno (gledališko) kritiko in časopisno polemiko. Skozi pisma smo priča razvoju njunega (prijateljskega) odnosa: od odnosa med kritikom in dramatikom, sodelavskega odnosa in sprtosti do tesnega prijateljstva. Pisma dajejo vpogled v tedanjo podobo vsakdanjega in zasebnega življenja, ljudi in krajev, ki so ju povezovali.

Keywords:Jože Javoršek, Matej Bor, pisemska korespondenca, NOB, Književni listi časopisa Delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111600 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.10.2019
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Title:Jože Javoršek and Matej Bor
The thesis focuses on Jože Javoršek's period of life influenced by his correspondence and friendship with Matej Bor. Javoršek and Bor met in a Partisan cultural group, however, based on the letters from the legacy of Matej Bor in National and University Library and the letters that are kept by Javoršek's relatives, the beginning of their correspondence seemed to have started somewhat later. Their written correspondence began in 1955 and ended in the year 1988. The letters are thematically diverse: they write to each other about their literary works and literary creation, about polemical round tables; the letters also contain political and social reflections. Their perspectives of literary (theatre) criticism and newspaper controversies are revealed. Through the letters we witness the development of their (friendly) relationship: the relation between a critic and a playwright, the relation among two co-workers; as well as everything ranging from disagreement to a close friendship. The letters not only give insight into the daily and private life of that period, but also people and places that were connecting them.

Keywords:Jože Javoršek, Matej Bor, letter correspondence, national liberation struggle, Književni listi of the newspaper Delo

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