
Zdravstvena oporoka
ID Kozar, Ana (Author), ID Žnidaršič Skubic, Viktorija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem času vsesplošnega razvoja medicine, ki podaljšuje življenje pacienta, je nujno zagotoviti institut, ki varuje avtonomijo vnaprej izražene volje pri sprejemanju odločitev v zvezi z lastno smrtjo. V našem pravnem redu institut zdravstvene oporoke privolitveno sposobnemu pacientu omogoča, da se upošteva njegova volja o tem, kakšno zdravstveno oskrbo zavrača, če bi se znašel v položaju izgube sposobnosti odločanja o sebi. Institut je zakonsko urejen kot pravica do upoštevanja vnaprej izražene volje, vendar pomanjkljivo, saj pacienta pri samoodločbi v zvezi z lastno smrtjo omejuje. Institut je tudi v javnosti vsesplošno premalo poznan. Problem, ki se pojavlja pri institutu zdravstvene oporoke v Sloveniji, je omejenost obsega vnaprej izražene volje le na dva primera pravno veljavne zavrnitve zdravstvene oskrbe. To sta terminalna faza bolezni, ki glede na dosežke medicinske znanosti vodi v smrt in bolezen ali poškodba, ki povzroči hudo invalidnost. Prav tako je problem, da je vnaprej izražena volja pacienta za zdravnika zavezujoča le v primeru terminalne faze bolezni, v primeru hude invalidnosti pa jo upošteva kot smernico pri odločanju o zdravljenju. Dostopnost vnaprej izražene volje na kartici zdravstvenega zavarovanja še vedno ni zagotovljena, kar predstavlja problem glede sistemske seznanjenosti zdravnika o pacientovi vnaprej izraženi volji. Navedene omejitve pri upoštevanju vnaprej izražene volje pacienta porajajo utemeljen dvom, ali je današnja ureditev primerna. Pomembno je, da se v Sloveniji zagotovi učinkovitejša ureditev instituta zdravstvene oporoke, saj gre za občutljivo področje povezano s koncem človekovega življenja. Smiselno bi se bilo zgledovati po pravni ureditvi kot jo imata Anglija in Španija, ki pacienta bistveno manj omejujeta pri uveljavljanju pravice iz zdravstvene oporoke.

Keywords:medicinsko pravo, pacientove pravice, avtonomija pacienta, zdravstvena oporoka, sposobnost odločanja o sebi.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111542 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16970577 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Living Will
In our modern times of overall progress in medical science which prolongs the survival of a patient it is of outmost importance to establish an instrument to safeguard the patient's autonomy of his advance decision as regards the decisions relating to the patient's death. In the Slovene legal system, the institute of living will allows a patient with mental capacity to comply with their will about what kind of medical care they refuse if they find themselves in a position of loss of ability to make decisions about themselves. This legal construct is regulated by law as a right to respect the patient’s pre-expressed living will, but it is deficient, since it restricts the patient's self-determination regarding their own death. The institute is not well known in the public. A problem that arises with the construct of the living will in Slovenia is the limited scope of pre-expressed will to only two cases of legally valid refusal of medical care. These are the terminal stages of the disease that, despite of medical science achievements, would lead to death and illness or an injury causing severe disability. It is also a problem that the pre-expressed living will of the patient is binding on the doctor only in the case of the terminal phase of the disease. In the case of severe disability, it is considered as a guideline when deciding on treatment. The availability of a pre-expressed living will on the health insurance card is still not guaranteed, which poses a problem regarding the physician's systematic awareness of the patient's pre-expressed living will. The limitations cited given the pre-expressed living will of the patient raise reasonable doubt as to whether the current arrangement is appropriate. It is important, to ensure the adequate legislation of the institute Living Will in Slovenia, as it is a sensitive area related to the end of human life. It would be advisable to look up to the regulations of England and Spain, which restrict patients significantly less from exercising the right of the living will.

Keywords:medical law, patient's rights, patient's autonomy, Living Will, decision making capacity.

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