
Koncentracija kroma in niklja v vrtninah, pridelanih na območjih Slovenije s povečanim naravnim ali antropogenim izvorom v tleh
ID Marenče Barbič, Irma (Author), ID Grčman, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kirinčič, Stanislava (Comentor)

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V nalogi smo ugotavljali prehajanje Cr in Ni iz tal v užitne dele različnih skupin vrtnin, pridelanih na območjih s povečanim geogenim ali antropogenim izvorom v tleh. Izbrali smo manjše vzorčno območje na Vrhniki, kjer so v tleh antropogeno povišane vsebnosti Cr (mediana 117,0 mg/kg; 2 vzorca) in večje vzorčno območje v slovenski Istri, kjer so v tleh povišane vsebnosti Cr (mediana 51,4 mg/kg; 13 vzorcev) in Ni (mediana 75,1 mg/kg; 13 vzorcev) geogenega izvora. Koncentracije Cr v vrtninah z Vrhnike (17 vzorcev) so v razponu od 3,7 (kumare) do 521,6 (µg/kg sv. sn.; timijan), v povp. 262,6 (µg/kg sv. sn). Koncentracije v vrtninah v slovenski Istri (53 vzorcev) so za Cr v povprečju 69,1 (µg/kg sv. sn.) in za Ni v povprečju 142,9 (µg/kg sv. sn.). V slovenski Istri je največ Cr vseboval česen (240,6 µg/kg sv. sn.), največ Ni peteršilj (636,3 µg/kg sv. sn.), najmanj Cr in Ni so vsebovale kumare (3,7; 45,51 µg/kg sv. sn.). Ocenili smo dolgoročno izpostavljenost splošne populacije Cr in Ni zaradi uživanja vrtnin pridelanih v slovenski Istri, ki izhaja iz porabe zelenjave v slovenskih gospodinjstvih za leto 2015 in iz povprečnih koncentracij Cr in Ni v vrtninah. Ocenjeno izpostavljenost Cr (0,152 µg/kg telesne mase/dan) in Ni (0,469 µg/kg t. m./dan) zaradi uživanja zelenjave iz slovenske Istre, ki vključuje tudi gomoljnice, stročnice, zelišča in gobe, smo primerjali z oceno izpostavljenosti zaradi uživanja povprečne istovrstne evropske zelenjave (Cr: 0,206 µg/kg t.m./dan; Ni: 0,612 µg/kg t.m./dan) z upoštevanjem slovenske porabe živil. Kot kontrolno območje za vsebnost Ni v izbranih vrtninah smo vključili podatke iz obsežne raziskave v Celju, ki je pokazala štirikrat manjše koncentracije Ni v primerjavi s slovensko Istro. Povečane vsebnosti Cr in Ni v tleh vplivajo na večje vsebnosti Cr in Ni v zelenjavi, vendar vsebnosti v zelenjavi niso večje kot v povprečni evropski zelenjavi. Na privzemanje Ni v rastline poleg koncentracij Ni v tleh značilno vpliva tudi delež organske snovi (OS) in pH vrednost.

Keywords:analiza tal, sprejem v vrtnine, nikelj, krom, geogeni izvor, antropogeni izvor, izpostavljenost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[I. Marenče Barbič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111520 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9315705 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Concentration of chromium and nickel in vegetables grown in areas of Slovenia with an increased natural or anthropogenic source in the soil
We studied the uptake of Cr and Ni to edible parts of different groups of vegetables grown in areas with increased geogenic or anthropogenic origin in the soil. We selected a smaller sampling area in Vrhnika, where the Cr concentrations in soil are in median 117 mg/kg (2 samples), as a result of anthropogenic sources, and a larger sampling area in Slovenian Istria, where the soil contains increased concentrations of Cr (median 51.4 mg/kg; 13 samples) and Ni (median 75.1 mg/kg; 13 samples) of geogenic origin. The Cr concentrations in vegetables from Vrhnika (17 samples) ranged from 3.7 µg/kg fresh weight in cucumbers to 521.6 µg/kg thyme, for all samples in avg. 262.6 (µg/kg f.w.). The Cr and Ni concentrations in the vegetables from Slovenian Istria (53 samples) averaged 69.1 µg/kg f.w. and 142.9 µg/kg f.w. for Cr and Ni, respectively. In Slovenian Istria, the highest Cr and Ni concentrations were in garlic (240.6 µg/kg f.w.) and parsley (636.3 µg/kg f. w.) respectively, the lowest Cr and Ni concentrations were in cucumbers (3.7 and 45.51 µg/kg f.w., respectively). We estimated the chronic exposure of general population to Cr and Ni due to the consumption of vegetables produced in Slovenian Istria, which took into account consumption of vegetables in Slovenian households for 2015 and avg. concentrations of Cr and Ni in the vegetables (µg/kg f.w.). The assessed value of exposure to Cr (0.152µg/kg b.w./day) and Ni (0.469 µg/kg b.w./day) with vegetables from Slovenian Istra, including tubers, legumes, herbs and mushrooms was compared to the calculated exposure with average European vegetables (exposure to Cr 0.206 and Ni 0.612 µg/kg b.w./day) based on Slovenian data for vegetable consumption. Data from an extensive study in Celje, which served as a control area for Ni content in selected vegetables, showed four times lower concentrations of Ni in comparison to vegetables from Slovenian Istria. Increased levels of Cr and Ni in the soil affect the content of Cr and Ni in vegetables, but the concentrations are not higher than in average European vegetables. In addition to Ni concentrations in soil, the uptake of Ni in plants is also significantly affected by organic matter (OS) and pH.

Keywords:soil analyses, vegetable uptake, chromium, nickel, natural source, anthropogenic source, exposure

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