
Možnost globalnega zavezništva žensk v skupnem boju proti patriarhatu
ID Gačić, Aleksandra (Author), ID Mencin Čeplak, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo problematizira možnost koalicijskega odnosa med zahodnimi in ne-zahodnimi ženskami v skupnem boju proti patriarhalnemu zatiranju in se sprašuje, ali se lahko kljub različnim zgodovinskih, geografskim in političnim dejavnikom, ki so bistveni za formiranje patriarhalnih struktur, ženske identificiramo s skupnim pojmom sestrstva. Ker so ženske iz kolonizatorskih dežel v odnosu do koloniziranih žensk zavzele svojevrsten zaščitniški in s tem tudi superiorno-patriarhalni položaj, je postkolonialni feminizem nastopil kot rehabilitacijsko polje nekdaj koloniziranih žensk, ki so si možnost samoreprezentacije morale izboriti tako v odnosu do nekdanjih kolonizatorjev kot tudi v odnosu do domačih patriarhalnih struktur. Sloneč na predpostavkah, ki so jih zahodne feministke gojile o ne-zahodnih ženskah, so postkolonialne feministke zavračale možnost globalnega feminizma, saj se je ideja univerzalnosti žensk in univerzalnosti patriarhatov izkazala za imperialistično. Skupni boj proti patriarhalnem zatiranju namreč ne more temeljili na dejstvu skupnega spola, temveč se mora kaliti iz konkretnih zgodovinskih, političnih, rasnih in etničnih danostih. Transnacionalni feminizem zato preko intersekcionalnosti in poglobljenega razumevanja patriarhalnih izkušenj poveže ženske iz različnih družbeno-kulturnih področij in dopusti možnost zavezništva v času globalizacije, kjer so različne patriarhalne strukture med seboj vse bolj povezane.

Keywords:zahodni feminizem, postkolonialni feminizem, post-kolonializem, transnacionalni feminizem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111490 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36409949 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2019
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Title:The possibility of a global alliance of women in the joint fight against patriarchy
The master's thesis problematizes the possibility of a coalition relationship between Western and non-Western women in the joint fight against patriarchal oppression and question whether, despite the various historical, geographical and political factors that are essential for the formation of patriarchal structures, women can identify with the common concept of sisterhood. Since women from the colonizing countries took on a peculiar protective and thus superior-patriarchal position in relation to the colonized women, postcolonial feminism emerged as a rehabilitation field for the once colonized women, who had to win the right of self-representation, both in relation to the former colonizers and in relation to domestic patriarchal structures. Based on the assumptions which were cultivated by Western feminists about non-Western women, postcolonial feminists rejected the possibility of global feminism, as the idea of the universality of women and the universality of patriarchy proved imperialistic. Namely, the joint struggle against patriarchal oppression cannot be based on the fact of common sex, but must be rooted in concrete historical, political, racial and ethnic backgrounds. Transnational feminism therefore, through intersectionality and in-depth understanding of patriarchal experiences, connects women from different socio-cultural environments and allows the possibility of an alliance in a time of globalization, where different patriarchal structures are increasingly interconnected.

Keywords:Western feminism, post-colonial feminism, post-colonialism, transnational feminism

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