
Proces prilagajanja na težko športno poškodbo: Študija primerov : diplomsko delo
ID Belaj, Urša (Author), ID Cecić Erpič, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V raziskavi smo obravnavali celoten proces rehabilitacije po težki športni poškodbi ter uspešnost vrnitve športnika nazaj na tekmovalne steze. Kot instrument za pridobivanje podatkov smo uporabili postrukturirani intervju. Vzorec je bil sestavljen iz štirih vrhunskih atletov-tekačev, ki so utrpeli težko športno poškodbo. Vključitveni dejavnik je bil odsotnost od trenažnega procesa vsaj 4 tedne. Zbrane podatke smo analizirali in jih razdelili v štiri glavne skupine. Prva skupina opisuje okolje, kjer atlet trenira in glavne značilnosti trenažnega procesa. Drugi del predstavi občutke in doživljanja atleta takoj po športni poškodbi. Predzadnji del izlušči psihološka dogajanja med celotnim procesom rehabilitacije, v zadnjem delu pa analiziramo posledice poškodb in uspešnost vračanja nazaj na atletske steze. Ugotovili smo, da športniki zanemarjajo psihološke vidike, hkrati pa se zavedajo njihovega pomena. Zanimalo nas je koliko socialne opore športniki dobivajo med rehabilitacijskim procesom. Ugotovili smo, da je socialna opora povezana z boljšim spopadanjem z negativnimi posledicami poškodbe. Največ opore so športniki dobili od trenerja. Potrdili smo, da se predhodno poškodovani športniki hitreje in učinkoviteje rehabilitirajo. Na soočenje s posledicami poškodb vpliva razmerje med močnimi področji športnika in njegovimi omejitvami.

Keywords:športna poškodba, proces rehabilitacije, psihološki vidik, vračanje v šport
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111482 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5622193 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The adaptation process after a severe sports injury: Case study
In our research, we looked at the whole process of rehabilitation after a severe sports injury and the success of returning to compete. We used the post-structured interview for gathering data. The sample consisted of four track and field athletes competing on the international level who suffered a severe sports injury. The enrolment factor was absence from the training process for at least 4 weeks. The collected data was analyzed and divided into four main groups. The first part describes the environment in which athletes train and the characteristics of the training process. The second part presents the feelings and experiences which the athlete feels right after the sports injury. The third part deals with psychological issues and changes throughout the process and in the last part, we analyzed the consequences of injuries and the level of success after returning to the sport. We have found that athletes neglect the psychological aspect while being aware of its importance. We were interested in how much social support athletes received during the rehabilitation process. We have found an association with good social support and better coping with the negative effects of injury. Athletes received the most support from their coaches. We have confirmed that previously injured athletes rehabilitate faster and more effectively. Dealing with the effects of injuries is affected by the relationship between the athlete's strong areas and their limitations.

Keywords:sports injury, rehabilitation process, psychological aspect, returning to sport

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