
Frontna črta Idrija : Idrija kot primer notranje fronte med prvo svetovno vojno
ID Šlabnik, Matevž (Author), ID Stergar, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi je predstavljen primer Idrije kot notranje fronte v času prve svetovne vojne. Mesto je bilo zgodovinsko pomembno predvsem zaradi drugega največjega rudnika živega srebra na svetu, ki je vidno vlogo odigral tudi v času med leti 1914 in 1918. V rudarskem mestu se je že pred začetkom vojne občutilo napetosti, ki so v nalogi prikazane na primeru vohunske zgodbe in pregonov dijakov, osumljenih nelojalnosti. Z začetkom vojne in uvedbo izrednih ukrepov v Habsburški monarhiji so prebivalci mesta prišli v neposreden stik z vojno realnostjo: začeli so se vpoklici v vojsko, pojavili so se begunci, za rudarje so se poslabšale delovne razmere, vpeljan je bil strog cenzurni režim. Sočasno je prišlo do politično motiviranih pregonov in zamenjav v vodstvu občine in realke, opisu katerih bo namenjena posebna pozornost. Proti koncu vojne so se ob lakoti pojavili tudi delavski nemiri in vojaške intervencije.

Keywords:notranja fronta, Idrija, prva svetovna vojna, lokalna zgodovina
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Frontline Idrija : Idrija as a Case of Home Front During the First World War
The master thesis deals with the case of Idrija as a home front during First World War. The town was historically important because of the second largest mercury mine in the world, which played a significant role in the years between 1914 and 1918 as well. The tensions that were felt in the mining town even before the outbreak of the war are showcased with the espionage story and the case of prosecution of students charged with disloyalty. With the beginning of the war and the introduction of the extraordinary measures in the Habsburg Monarchy, the townspeople came into direct contact with the wartime reality: the recruitment of soldiers took place, the first refugees appeared, the working conditions for the miners worsened and a strict censorship regime was established. Special emphasis is given to the politically motivated prosecutions that took place at the municipality and at the secondary school. With the emergence of hunger towards the end of the war, worker strikes, and military interventions appeared as well.

Keywords:home front, Idrija, First World War, local history

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