
Učinkovitost učiteljevih oblik učne pomoči pri matematiki v 3., 4. in 5. razredu osnovne šole
ID Banovec, Ana (Avtor), ID Hodnik, Tatjana (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6011/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Matematika je šolski predmet, prisoten v vseh razredih, poleg tega pa si življenja brez nje skorajda ni mogoče predstavljati, saj jo potrebujemo v marsikateri življenjski situaciji. Otroci se z njo prek igre srečajo že v rani mladosti, kasneje, v osnovni šoli, pa je to obvezen predmet za vse učence. Slovenska populacija zelo ceni matematiko in uspešnost na tem področju, mogoče celo bolj kakor materni jezik. Kljub temu pa marsikateremu učencu pri urah matematike ni prijetno. Lahko celo rečemo, da je v zadnjih letih naraslo število učencev z učnimi težavami pri matematiki. Zaradi porasta učnih težav pa morajo biti učitelji na to še bolj pripravljeni in ob pojavu omenjenih težav ustrezno odreagirati. Teoretični del magistrskega dela torej v prvi vrsti predstavlja učne težave, ki so prisotne skorajda v vsaki šoli. Navedeni so tudi vzroki zanje in ukrepi pomoči, v nadaljevanju pa so podrobneje opredeljene učne težave, ki jih imajo učenci pri matematiki. V delu je izpostavljena predvsem učna pomoč pri tem predmetu, s poudarkom na njenih oblikah. Izhaja iz petstopenjskega modela pomoči in se v okviru tega poglobi v tiste oblike učne pomoči, ki jih lahko izvaja učitelj. V ospredje, na prvo stopnjo pomoči jo postavlja tudi petstopenjski model pomoč, postavljamo dobro poučevalno prakso pri matematiki, ki jo lahko zagotovi oz. izvaja učitelj. Učitelj je tisti, ki mora matematične pojme na ustrezen način približati učencem. To lahko stori postopoma, in sicer tako, da učencem konkretno predstavi situacijo ter jo nato preko grafične reprezentacije vpelje v matematične simbole. Na prvi stopnji petstopenjskega modela učne pomoči je učencem, ki imajo učne težave pri matematiki, ponujen tudi dopolnilni pouk. medtem ko na tretji stopnji učitelj lahko izvaja individualno in skupinsko obliko učne pomoči. Rezultati empirične raziskave, izvedene v okviru magistrskega dela, kažejo, da učitelji 3., 4. in 5. razreda osnovne šole dobro poznajo in pogosto prepoznajo učne težave pri matematiki. Posledično lahko sklepamo, da ustrezno prilagajajo tudi metode in oblike dela. Svoje poznavanje petstopenjskega modela nudenja učne pomoči pri matematiki na petstopenjski ocenjevalni lestvici ocenjujejo kot dobro. Večina anketirancev je uspešnost svojega dela pri nudenju učne pomoči pri rednem pouku, dopolnilnem pouku ter individualni in skupinski učni pomoči ocenila kot odlično. V empiričnem delu magistrska naloga raziskuje tudi stališča učencev do različnih oblik učne pomoči, ki jih lahko nudijo učitelji pri matematiki. Učenci načeloma dobro napredujejo zaradi ustrezne obravnave na prvi in tretji stopnji petstopenjskega modela učne pomoči. Vsi intervjuvani učenci pa se strinjajo, da redno obiskovanje dopolnilnega pouka matematike vpliva na njihovo uspešnost pri omenjenem učnem predmetu.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:učne težave
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111428 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:12613705 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:02.10.2019
Število ogledov:1326
Število prenosov:187
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Effectiveness of forms of teachers' assistance to third graders, fourth graders and fifth graders with difficulties in learning maths
Mathematics is a school subject present in all grades. Besides, it is almost impossible to imagine a life without it, because it is needed in many life situations. Children confront it already at an early age and later it is an obligatory subject for all students. Mathematics, and the achievements in this field, are highly appreciated among the Slovene population, maybe even more than its mother tongue. However, many students feel uncomfortable during maths lessons. We can even say that in the last few years the number of students with learning difficulties in mathematics classes has risen. This is why teachers have to be even more prepared for such difficulties and react appropriately when they occur. The theoretical part of the master’s thesis firstly presents learning difficulties that are present in practically every school. Causes for them and measures to help with such difficulties are also listed. Then, learning difficulties that students have in mathematics classes are defined in greater detail. We have focused mainly on tutoring mathematics and different types of learning assistance used with this subject. We focused on the five-stage model, especially on the types of learning assistance that can be provided by teachers. As the most important, even according to the five-stage model, we chose the good mathematics teaching practice that can be guaranteed and carried out by a teacher. The teacher is the one who has to present the terminology to the students in an appropriate way. This can be done gradually, by starting with concrete examples followed by graphical representation and finally introducing mathematical symbols. At the first stage of the five-stage model students with learning difficulties are offered additional group classes to practice what they have learned. At the third stage the teacher can carry out individual or group tutoring lessons. The results of the empirical research have shown that teachers of 3rd, 4th and 5th grades of primary school are familiar with learning difficulties in mathematics and can often recognize them. Consequentially, it can be deduced that they also adjust the methods and forms of work in the classroom accordingly. Based on a five stage scale evaluation, they estimated that they have a good knowledge of the five-stage model of offering help with mathematics. Most interviewees gave themselves the highest score when asked to rate their success with offering help in regular classes, additional classes and individual and group tutoring lessons. As part of the empirical part of the thesis, students’ opinions regarding different types of learning assistance offered by teachers with mathematics classes were also researched. Most students are progressing because of the appropriate treatment on the first and third stage of the five-stage model of offering help. All interviewed students agree that regularly attending additional classes in mathematics has positive results with their success.

Ključne besede:learning difficulties

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