
Integracija servomotorjev v avtomatsko proizvodno celico s PLK-jem
ID OMAHEN, SIMON (Author), ID Karer, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga opisuje programiranje avtomatske proizvodne celice za sestavljanje zaslonov. Celico sestavlja dvoosni servomanipulator s pnevmatskim prijemalom. Glavna naloga celice je, da v čim krajšem času pravilno sestavi zaslon, pri tem pa je treba zagotoviti, da specificirane sile na zaslon niso presežene. Celica se je postavila v sklopu projekta v podjetju INEA.Za celico, ki jo opisujem v diplomski nalogi, sem samostojno napisal program v programskem okolju TIA portal, priredil blok za krmiljenje servomotorja in konfiguriral zaslon operaterskega panela za ročno krmiljenje servomotorja. Moja naloga je bila tudi konfiguracija programa za servokrmilnik. Na začetku diplomskega dela je na kratko predstavljena celotna linija, v kateri se nahaja obravnavana proizvodna celica, nato podrobneje še celica za sestavljanje zaslonov. V naslednjem poglavju je obravnavan program servokrmilnika, kjer so opisani glavni parametri konfiguracije programa. V zadnjem delu sledi še opis programa PLK-ja in opis operaterskega panela za krmiljenje servomotorja. Opis glavnih vej funkcijskega bloka za krmiljenje servomotorja je predstavljen v dodatku.

Keywords:PLK, servokrmilnik, servomotor, lestvični diagram, operaterski panel
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111408 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2019
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Title:Integration of servomotors into an automatic production cell using a PLC
The thesis describes the programming of an automatic production cell for assembling displays. The cell consists of two-axis servomanipulator with a pneumatic gripper. The main task of the cell is to assemble a display in the shortest time possible and ensuring that the force on the display does not exceed the prespecified limit. The production cell was assembled within a project in company INEA My task was to develop a program in TIA portal for the treated production cell, to adapt a block for servo control and configure a HMI terminal for manual servo control. Furthermore, I configured the program for the servo controller. The thesis starts with a presentation of the production line that comprises the treated production cell, which is also thoroughly described later in the chapter. The next chapter deals with the main parameters that need to be configured in the servo controller. Finally, the PLC program and the HMI terminal for servo control are described, The appendix comprises the description of the main networks in the function block for servomotor control.

Keywords:PLC, servo controller, servomotor, ladder diagram, HMI terminal

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