
Od lanu do vzorčastega predpasnika: Tekstilne obrti in modrotisk na Loškem
ID Šifrar Krajnik, Sara (Author), ID Habinc, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Cergol Paradiž, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hudales, Jože (Comentor)

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Osrednja tema diplomskega dela je modrotisk. Ob tem je predstavljena še kratka zgodovina tekstilnih obrti in industrije v Sloveniji ter na Loškem. Široka paleta tekstilnih obrti na Loškem se v naslednjih poglavjih in podpoglavjih zoži na platnarstvo, barvarstvo in modrotisk. V poglavju o platnarstvu so predstavljeni kulturna rastlina lan, zgodovina platnarstva na Loškem in postopek predelovanja lanu. Sledijo poglavje in podpoglavja o barvarstvu in modrotiskarstvu. Ta zajemajo zgodovino barvarstva in modrotiskarstva, postopek barvanja in tiskanja tekstilij ter predstavitev barvarskih delavnic, ki so na Loškem delovale od začetka 19. do tridesetih let 20. stoletja. Za konec je predstavljeno še današnje tiskanje tekstila na rezervni postopek v avstrijskem mestu Bad Leonfelden in obujanje platnarstva ter barvarstva na Loškem z etnološko prireditvijo Dan teric in rokodelci, ki delujejo na tem območju.

Keywords:Industrija, obrt, platnarstvo, barvarstvo, modrotisk, tekstil, platno, lan.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2019
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Title:From flax to patterned apron: Textile crafts and blueprinting in Škofja Loka area
Main topic of this work is blueprinting. Short history of textile crafts and industry in Slovenia and in Škofja Loka area is also presented. After the summary of a wide range of textile crafts known in Škofja Loka area, I focus on linen production, fabric dying and blueprinting. The chapter about linen production contains descriptions of flax as a crop, history of linen production in Škofja loka area and linen production process. Following chapters describe fabric dying and blueprinting. They contain the history of textile dying and bluprinting, textile dying and printing process and presentation of dying workshops, which operated in Škofja Loka area from the beginning of 19th century to the 1930s. Finally the continuing practice of reverse textile printing in the town of Bad Leonfelden, Austria, and revival of linen production and dying in Škofja loka area through the ethnological event Dan teric (Day of flax dressers) and craftsmen operating in this area is presented.

Keywords:Industry, craft, linen production, dying, blueprinting, textile, linen, flax.

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