
Pogled strokovnega kadra na osebe z demenco v Domu upokojencev Brežice : diplomsko delo
ID Klavžar, Karin (Author), ID Lebar, Cecilija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Izboljšave v zdravstveni oskrbi v preteklem stoletju so pripomogle k temu, da ljudje živijo dlje in bolj zdravo. To je posledično prispevalo k povečanju nenalezljivih bolezni v starosti med katerimi je tudi demenca, ki je sicer duševna motnja. Bolezen ne prizadene le obolelega za demenco, temveč tudi njegovo okolico. V Sloveniji je v zadnjih letih v velikem porastu dejavnost oskrbe starejših, in sicer predvsem v institucionalni obliki. Kadrovski normativi v domovih starejših občanov so neprilagojeni sodobnim konceptom dela. Na tako občutljivem področju, kot je demenca, je nujno tesno povezovanje in prepletanje znanj in strokovnjakov z zdravstvenega in socialnega področja. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je poizvedeti, kako strokovni delavci Doma upokojencev Brežice doživljajo delo z dementnimi stanovalci. Metode dela: Izvedena je bila kvalitativna raziskava, podatki so bili zbrani s polstrukturiranim intervjujem. V raziskavi so sodelovale tri zdravstvene delavke: X, Y in Z. Rezultati: Zaposleni menijo, da so pri svojem delu uspešni, kar jim omogoča tudi možnost stalnih izobraževanj, kjer pridobivajo nova znanja in izkušnje. Najpomembnejše veščine zaposlenih po mnenju intervjuvanih so tolerantnost, potrpežljivost, stabilna osebnost, iznajdljivost in kreativnost. Ugotavljamo, da zaposlene med najpogostejše težave pri delu z dementnimi stanovalci uvrščajo slabo razumevanje s stanovalci, nerazumevanje navodil ter slabo motiviranost stanovalcev z demenco. Pri samem delu se srečujejo tudi s svojci obolelih, ki prav tako potrebujejo pomoč. Strokovni kader Doma upokojencev Brežice pomaga in svetuje svojcem in osebam z demenco preko pogovora. Razprava in zaključek: Strokovni delavci Doma upokojencev Brežice se pri delu s stanovalci z demenco srečujejo s številnimi težavami. Pomembno je, da imajo osebe, ki delajo z dementnimi stanovalci, določene veščine. Pokazatelji uspešnosti tima pri delu z demenco so izboljšanja funkcijskih sposobnosti, zadovoljstvo oseb z demenco in pa tudi zadovoljstvo tima. Delovni terapevt se v multidisciplinarnem timu zavzema predvsem za izboljšanje uporabnikovega prostega časa, dela ali aktivnosti vsakodnevnega življenja. Intervencija in rehabilitacija pa se izvajata s pomočjo same aktivnosti.

Keywords:demenca, delovna terapija, domska oskrba, strokovni kader
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111296 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5701483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:A view of a professional staff with the person with dementia in Retirement home Brežice : diploma work
Introduction: Improvements in health care over the past century have helped make people live longer and healthier. This has consequently contributed to an increase in non-communicable diseases, including dementia, which is otherwise a mental disorder. The disease affects not only the dementia sufferer but their surroundings as well. In recent years, the care of the elderly has increased in Slovenia, namely in institutional form. Staff norms in elderly homes are not adapted to modern concepts of work. In such a sensitive area as dementia, it is necessary to closely integrate and intertwine knowledge and experts from the health and social fields. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to inquire how the professional staff of the Nursing home Brežice experiences working with residents with dementia. Methods of work: A qualitative survey was carried out, data were collected with a semi-structured interview. Three health workers participated in the study: X, Y and Z. Results: According to the interviewees, the most important skills of employees are tolerance, patience, stable personality, inventiveness and creativity. We have found that the employees include poor understanding with residents, misunderstanding of instructions and poor motivation of residents with dementia among the most common problems when it comes to working with them. The employees feel successful in their work and mention the possibilities of continuous education, where they acquire new knowledge and experience. They often have to work with relatives of those with dementia, who need help as well. The professional staff of the Nursing home Brežice helps and advises the relatives and people with dementia through conversation. Discussion and conclusion: The staff at the Nursing home Brežice encounters numerous problems when working with residents with dementia. It is important for people working with residents with dementia to have certain skills. Indicators of the team's success when it comes to dealing with dementia are the improvement of functional abilities, the satisfaction of people with dementia and also their own satisfaction. In the multidisciplinary team, the occupational therapist is mainly concerned with improving the user's free time, work or activities in everyday life. Intervention and rehabilitation are carried out through the activities themselves.

Keywords:dementia, occupational therapy, home care, professional staff

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