
Zadovoljstvo z internim komuniciranjem v korporaciji Petrol d. d., Ljubljana – Vpliv starosti zaposlenega, všečnosti in intenzivnosti spremljanja virov internega komuniciranja
ID Ulaga, Blaž (Author), ID Podnar, Klement (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Interno komuniciranje je eden ključnih dejavnikov uspešnosti in učinkovitosti organizacije, saj prispeva k pozitivnim internim odnosom med zaposlenimi, promovira zavedanje priložnosti, opozarja na grožnje znotraj organizacije ter razvija razumevanje prioritet organizacije. Če je interno komuniciranje učinkovito strateško načrtovano in hkrati s tem skladno s krovno strategijo podjetja, lahko spremeni odnos in obnašanje zaposlenih, s čimer ti postanejo bolj odgovorni, zadovoljni in zavzeti za delo. Brez učinkovitega in strateško dovršenega internega komuniciranja zaposleni ne delujejo v skladu s pričakovanji, organizacija pa ne more razviti želenih vrednot in kulture. V magistrski nalogi bo moj glavni cilj raziskati korelacijo med internim komuniciranjem (celoten Petrolov portfelj internega komuniciranja) in všečnostjo posameznih virov komunikacije, intezivnostjo spremljanja le-teh ter starostjo zaposlenih v Petrolu. S pomočjo letne raziskave o zadovoljstvu z internim komuniciranjem bom analiziral zadovoljstvo zaposlenih z vsemi kanali internega komuniciranja, osredotočil pa sem se predvsem na to, kako je to (ne)zadovoljstvo povezano s prej omenjenimi spremenljivkami.

Keywords:interno komuniciranje, Petrol d. d., Ljubljana, zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, viri internega komuniciranja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111196 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36413021 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Satisfaction with internal communication in Petrol d. d., Ljubljana - Effect of employee's age, likeability and intensity of monitoring the sources of internal communication
Internal communication is one of the key factors for success and effectiveness of the organization, since it contributes to positive internal relations between employees, promotes awareness of opportunities and threats within the organization and develops understanding of the organization's priorities. If internal communication is effectively strategically planned and at the same time consistent with the company's main strategy, it can change the attitude and behavior of employees, making them more responsible, satisfied and committed to work. Without an effective and strategically perfected internal communication, employees do not work in accordance with the expectations, and the organization cannot develop the desired values and culture. In my master's thesis, my main goal will be to investigate the correlation between internal communication (the entire Petrol's internal communication portfolio) and the likeability of individual sources of communication, the intensity of monitoring these and the age of Petrol employees. Using the annual research on satisfaction with internal communication, I analyzed the satisfaction of employees with all the channels of internal communication, focusing primarily on how this (dis)satisfaction is related to the aforementioned variables.

Keywords:internal communication, Petrol d. d., Ljubljana, employee satisfaction, sources of internal communication

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