
Mitologija srhljivke: Vizualno izročilo
ID Javornik, Tilen (Author), ID Bricelj, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kamnik, Andrej (Comentor)

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Srhljivka nas v takšni ali drugačni obliki spremlja že od začetka pripovedništva. Zgodbe o stvorih, ki se skrivajo na robu našega zaznavanja, nam domišljijo burijo še danes. Toda dobra srhljivka nam nudi več kot le zabavo v strahu z varne razdalje. Je odraz naše podzavesti in kulture, služi pa lahko kot močno orodje za raziskovanje tako psiholoških kot družbenih strahov. Žanrska fikcija je prej kot v področje umetnosti pogosto razvrščena med potrošne, kratkočasne vsebine; zlasti, če je izražena v vizualnem mediju. Srhljivka pod drobnogledom dokazuje nasprotno. Moj cilj v analitično-raziskovalnem delu je srhljivko obravnavati kot pomemben kulturno-mitološki artefakt, razumeti njen namen in izvor (predvsem v vizualni umetnosti) ter preučiti, kako nam učinkovito vzbuja strah. Cilj animacije, ki predstavlja praktični del naloge, pa je pridobljena znanja in informacije predstaviti v stilu vizualnega eseja, ki bo srhljivko približal širšemu občinstvu, obenem pa služil kot estetski poklon žanru samemu.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, ilustracija, animacija, srhljivka, fikcija, mitologija, strah, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111162 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The Mythology of Horror: A Visual History
Horror, in one or another form, has been with us as long as the art of storytelling. Tales of creatures lurking at the edge of our perception stir up our imagination even today. But a good horror story offers us more than harmless fun from the safety of our seats. It is a reflection of our subconscious and our culture, and can serve as a powerful tool for exploring fears both psychological and societal. Genre fiction is often delegated to the entertainment section rather than viewed as art, especially in visual media. Horror, if carefully scrutinized, proves this assertion wrong. My goal in the analytical-exploratory part of this thesis is to consider horror as an important cultural and mythological artefact, understand its purpose and origin (especially as it relates to visual art), and examine how it accomplishes eliciting fear. The goal of the animation, which is the practical part of this thesis, is to present the acquired information in the style of a visual essay, which will aim to present horror to a wider audience and serve as an aesthetic homage to the genre.

Keywords:visual communications, illustration, animation, horror, fiction, mythology, fear, MA thesis

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