
Skrita narava vode
ID Emeršič, Erik (Author), ID Koštrun, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rauch, Peter (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu želim prikazati projekcije podob, ki so naši vsakodnevni vidni zaznavi neznane. Ukvarjal se bom s fotogrami vode in njenimi lastnostmi. Voda je osnovni vir življenja, a zaradi dojemanja njenega obstoja kot samoumevnega, ne vidimo form, ki se tvorijo pri njenem gibanju. Narava vode te oblike neprestano spreminja in lahko bi jih razumeli tudi kot igro, ki se ponavlja. S posvečanjem pozornosti pa se lahko začnemo zavedati fenomenov okoli nas. Z raziskovanjem teh vodnih oblik s pomočjo fotograma prikažemo projekcije, ki nam približajo nevidne strukture. Fotogram je fotografska tehnika, ki prikaže podobe drugače, kot uporaba fotografske kamere. V primerjavi s klasično forografijo nam fotogram ponuja zanimive estetske in likovne podobe, te se kažejo v močnih kontrastih in dajejo občutek nenavadnega. Fotogram ponuja zanimive rezultate, predvsem zaradi zmožnosti beleženja notranje strukture vodnih pojavov. Raziskoval bom pogled v notranjost vode, tisti pogled, ki nas popelje v vidno in nevidno polje. Voda, njene lastnosti in pojavi so tesno povezani z mojo predhodno prakso fotografiranja valov, ki jo nadaljujem v samo jedro lomljenja in valovanja vode. Transformacija in abstrahiranje form vode preko fotograma obrne pozornost na notranjo strukturo vode in njeno lepoto. Raziskoval bom torej bistvo (jedro) tekočine, na kateri temelji naš obstoj.

Keywords:fotografija vizualne komunikacije fotogram voda narava pojavi valovi magistrsko delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111161 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The hidden nature of water
In my master's thesis, I want to show projections of images that are unknown to our visible understanding. I will work with photograms of water and its properties. Water is the source of life and because we take its existence for granted, we do not see its form while moving. Those forms are changing all the time and could be understood as a never-ending game. Paying attention to details, we begin to realize the phenomena around us. While researching these aquatic forms with the help of photograms we showcase projections that make the invisible structures become closer. A photogram is a photographic technique that displays images differently than the ones we get with the use of a classic photographic camera. Compared to standard photography the photogram offers interesting aesthetic and artistic images shown in strong contrasts, giving the impression of something unusual. Photogram offers interesting results, mainly because of its ability to record aquatic phenomenon’s internal structure. I will research the interior of water, focusing on its visible and invisible part. Water, its properties and phenomena are closely linked to my previous practice, which I continue by exploring the breaking of water and formation of the waves. Transformation and abstraction of the form of water through photogram turns attention to the internal structure of water and its beauty. In short: I will explore the essence (core) of the fluid, on which our existence is based on.

Keywords:photography visual communication photogram water nature phenomenon waves MA thesis

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