
Načini vzgojiteljevega motiviranja otrok za učenje matematičnih pojmov
ID Strniša, Nuša (Author), ID Hodnik, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava načine vzgojiteljevega motiviranja otrok za učenje matematičnih pojmov. V vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanovah je zelo pomembna motivacija otrok za učenje. Če otroci ne bodo motivirani, bodo manj aktivno sodelovali pri dejavnostih in se posledično manj naučili. Pri otrocih je marsikdaj potrebno prebuditi zanimanje, saj bodo le motivirani otroci sodelovali, poslušali, spraševali, razmišljali pri dejavnostih in se kaj novega naučili. Vzgojitelj mora pri načrtovanju dejavnosti upoštevati tudi starost otrok, razlike med njimi in njihovo predznanje. Vsak vzgojitelj motivira otroke na svoj način. To lahko stori s pomočjo lutk, didaktičnih iger, ugank, slikanic, vrečk presenečenja, z različnimi spletnimi stranmi, itd. V empiričnem delu sem raziskovala, katere načine motiviranja vzgojitelji poznajo, katere najpogosteje uporabljajo pri načrtovanju matematičnih dejavnosti, zakaj uporabljajo le-te ter kako pogosto jih uporabljajo. Zanimalo me je tudi, na kakšne načine pridobivajo znanje za oblikovanje motivacije pri učenju matematike. Rezultati anketnega vprašalnika so pokazali, da se več kot polovici anketiranih zdi zelo pomembno motivirati otroke pred obravnavanjem izbranih matematičnih pojmov, saj kot pravijo z uvodno motivacijo privabimo otroke k dejavnosti in jih spodbudimo k aktivnemu sodelovanju pri nadaljnjem delu. Vzgojitelji najpogosteje motivirajo otroke s pomočjo didaktičnih iger, saj z njimi najlažje motivirajo otroke in dosežejo največji uspeh. Igre so tudi hitro dostopne in zelo raznolike. Najmanj pogost način motiviranja otrok za učenje matematičnih pojmov je svetovni splet. Večina vzgojiteljev načrtuje uvodno motivacijo glede na starost otrok. Otroci različnih starosti se namreč med seboj razlikujejo po vedenjskih, telesnih in duševnih značilnostih ter sposobnostih, kar je potrebno vnaprej preveriti in dejavnosti prilagoditi. Med vzgojitelji z različno dobo izkušenj ni pomembnih razlik glede izbire načina motiviranja. Največ vzgojiteljev znanje za oblikovanje motivacije pridobiva s pomočjo strokovne literature, nekaj tudi od drugih vzgojiteljev in pa preko seminarjev in drugih strokovnih izobraževanj v okviru vrtca. Kljub vsemu bi se jih večina želela še dodatno usposobiti o načinih motiviranja.

Keywords:predšolski otrok
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111113 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12601417 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Preschool teacher's ways of motivating children to learn mathematical concepts
Diploma discusses preschool teacher’s ways of motivating children to learn mathematical concepts. In educational institutions, the children’s motivation for learning is very important. If children aren’t motivated, they will be less active in the activities and they’ve learned less. Preschool teachers often need to awaken interest of children, because only motivated children will listen, ask, think and learn something new. The preschool teachers have to planning activities according the age of the children, the differences between them and the children’s prior knowledge. Each educator motivates children on their own way. They can do this with puppets, didactic games, riddles, picture books, bags of surprise and with websites, or otherwise. In an empirical part I study which ways of motivating children preschool teachers know, which ones most often used in the planning of mathematical activities, why and how often. I was curious about how they get the knowledge for creation motivation to learning mathematics. The results of the survey questionnaire showed that more than half of the respondents think it is very important to motivate children before learning mathematical concepts, because, as they say, with introductory motivation we invite children to the activity and encourage to participate actively in next activities. Preschool teachers most often motivate children with didactic games, because with them they easiest motivate children and achieve the greatest success. Didactic games are also quickly accessible and very diverse. The least common way of motivating children to learn mathematical concepts is the World Wide Web. Most preschool teachers plans introductory motivation according on the age of the children. Children of different ages namely in their behavioural, physical and mental characteristics and abilities, which needs to be checked advance and activities adapted. There is no significant difference between educators with different years of working in choosing the ways of motivation. Most preschool teachers knowledge of motivating children to learn mathematical concepts get through professional literature, some from other preschool teachers and through seminars and other professional education within kindergarten. In spite of everything, most of them would like to additionally qualify of ways to motivating children.

Keywords:preschool children

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