
Učenje in poučevanje z informacijsko-komunikacijsko tehnologijo v prvem triletju osnovne šole
ID Štirn, Tilen (Author), ID Rugelj, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5979/ This link opens in a new window

Uporaba informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT) se v vsakdanjem življenju iz leta v leto povečuje, skupaj z njo pa potreba po zgodnejšem digitalnem opismenjevanju. Teoretični del magistrskega dela smo namenili predstavitvi opremljenosti šol z IKT in projekta SIO – 2020. Predstavili smo priporočila za opremljenost šol z IKT na osnovi okvira Evropske unije DigCompEdu, ki usmerja vključitev digitalne tehnologije v pedagoško delo in opisuje digitalne kompetence, ki jih morajo učitelji razvijati, če želijo strokovno vpeljevati uporabo IKT pri pedagoškem delu. V tem okviru smo predstavili tudi področje digitalnih kompetenc. Raziskali smo, kakšne so strokovne podlage za didaktično uporabo IKT v prvem triletju osnovne šole, in povzeli analizo strokovne delovne skupine RINOS o prisotnosti vsebin računalništva in informatike v programih osnovnih in srednjih šol ter tudi njeno študijo o možnih spremembah. Proučili smo, kako so se z vnašanjem IKT v šolske sisteme soočili v nekaterih naprednejših državah in kako v Sloveniji. Prav tako smo opisali smernice za uporabo IKT v prvem triletju, ki jih najdemo v zadnjih učnih načrtih, na koncu pa smo predstavili nekaj primerov uporabe praktičnega učenja in poučevanja z digitalno tehnologijo. Namen kvantitativne študije je bil ugotoviti, kakšna in kolikšna je uporaba IKT med učitelji prvega triletja osnovne šole za namene učenja in poučevanja ter preverjanja znanja. Ugotoviti smo želeli stališča, ki jih imajo učitelji in starši pri uporabi IKT v prvem triletju osnovne šole. Prav tako smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšna je bila trenutna digitalna kompetentnost učiteljev prvega triletja glede na starost in kakšno je bilo poznavanje raznolike uporabe računalniških programov med njimi. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 243 učiteljev, ki so v zadnjih petih letih vsaj eno leto poučevali v prvem triletju na osnovni šoli, in ¬¬¬¬111 staršev, ki so imeli v zadnjih petih letih vpisanega otroka v enega izmed prvih treh razredov osnovne šole. V vzorec so bili zajeti učitelji različnih starosti, kar omogoča primerjavo med tremi različnimi starostnimi razredi učiteljev. Prvi starostni razred je vključeval učitelje, stare od 22 do 36 let, drugi starostni razred učitelje, stare od 37 do 50 let, in tretji starostni razred učitelje, starejši od 50 let. Študija temelji na anketnem vprašalniku, katerega rezultate smo obdelali s pomočjo programov IBM SPSS Statistics in Microsoft Excel. Iz raziskave o uporabi IKT za učenje in poučevanje med učitelji v prvem triletju smo izhajali, da več kot polovica staršev ne podpira njene uporabe, medtem ko velika večina učiteljev podpira njeno uporabo že od prvega razreda dalje. Skoraj tri četrtine učiteljev je že uporabljalo IKT, medtem ko le majhen delež ni prepričan o njeni uporabi in ne namerava spremeniti načina poučevanja. Mlajši učitelji so pogosteje uporabljali računalnik kot starejši, medtem ko so druge digitalne naprave uporabljali manj kot starejši. Skoraj vsi učitelji so uporabljali programe pri poučevanju, medtem ko jih skoraj polovica ni uporabljala programov pri preverjanju znanja. Skoraj vsi učitelji so kazali zanimanje za izpopolnjevanje lastnih digitalnih kompetenc. Najmanj digitalno kompetentne so se počutili starejši učitelji, stari 51 let in več. Da dosegajo najvišjo stopnjo digitalnih kompetenc po okviru DigCompEdu, je menilo največ mlajših učiteljev. Med tistimi učitelji, ki so menili, da ne bodo nikoli digitalno kompetentni, je največ starejših učiteljev, starih 51 let in več, najmanj takih pa je mlajših učiteljev. Največji del učiteljev je ocenilo, da dosegajo stopnjo vključevanja B1.

Keywords:informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111097 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12600393 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Learning and teaching with information-communication technology in the first triad of the primary school
The use of information and communications technology (ICT) in everyday life has been increasing every year, and with it the need to promote digital literacy at an earlier age. The theoretical part of the Master's thesis presented how well are schools equipped with ICT and introduces the SIO – 2020 project. The thesis had addressed the recommendations concerning the level of equipment with ICT infrastructure in schools based on the European Union framework DigCompEdu, which provided guidelines for the inclusion of digital technologies in teaching and described the competences that teachers have to develop in order to implement the use of ICT in teaching. This part addressed also the field of digital competences. It analysed the scientific bases for the didactic use of ICT in the first three years of primary school and summarised the analysis of the expert working group RINOS about the presence of computer science and information science in primary and secondary school programmes, as well as the expert group's study on possible changes. The thesis analysed how ICT was introduced in school systems in a few highly developed countries and in Slovenia. It also provided guidelines for the use of ICT in the first three years of primary school that are found in the latest curricula, and the presentation of a few cases of practical learning and teaching with digital technology. The aim of the quantitative study was to determine how and how much teachers use ICT in the first three years of primary school for learning and teaching purposes and for knowledge examinations. We wanted to found out the teachers' and parents' opinions on the use of ICT in the first three years of primary school. We also wanted to found out what was the current digital competence of teachers who teach in the first three years of primary school in relation to their age, and how familiar were they with the various uses of computer programmes. The research included 243 teachers who taught in the first three years of primary school for at least one year in the last five years, and 111 parents whose child attended one of the first three years of primary school in the last five years. The sample included teachers of different ages, which allowed a comparison of teachers belonging to three different age groups. The first age group included teachers aged 22–36, the second one included teachers aged 37–50, and the third one consisted of teachers aged over 50. The study was based on a questionnaire, whose results were processed with the software IBM SPSS Statistics and Microsoft Excel. The research on the teachers' use of ICT for learning and teaching in the first three years of primary school showed that more than half of the parents don't support its use, whereas the majority of teachers support its use from the first grade on. Almost three quarters of teachers already used ICT, while only a small percentage of teachers were not sure about its use and did't intended to change their teaching methods. Younger teachers used computers more often than older teachers, however, they used other digital devices less frequently compared to older teachers. Almost all teachers used computer software in teaching, whereas almost half of them did't used computer software during knowledge examinations. Almost all teachers were interested in further improving their digital competences. Teachers aged 51 and more felt the least digitally competent. Young teachers made up the largest part of the group of teachers who though they had the highest level of digital competence within the DigCompEdu framework. Older teachers aged 51 and more made up the largest percentage of teachers who believed they will never be digitally competent, whereas younger teachers made up the smallest percentage. The majority of teachers believed they reached the B1 integration level.

Keywords:information and communications technology

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