
ID Kotar, Anja (Author), ID Kovač, Polonca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z upravnimi postopki se srečujemo skoraj vsakodnevno, naj se tega zavedamo ali ne. Vse bolj pa se zavedamo varstva svojih osebnih podatkov, posebno zdaj, ko smo priča velikim tehnološkim napredkom in s tem tudi vse večjemu širjenju podatkov. V svojem diplomskem delu sem preučevala slovensko nacionalno in evropsko zakonodajo na področju upravnih postopkov in varstva osebnih podatkov, in sicer Zakon o splošnem upravnem postopku (ZUP), Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP) in Splošno uredbo Evropske unije o varstvu podatkov (GDPR), pri čemer sem uporabila normativno, deskriptivno in komparativno metodo, prav tako pa tudi analizo sekundarnih virov. Do prepleta ZUP in GDPR oziroma ZVOP pride tako pri uporabi osebnih podatkov v kateremkoli upravnem postopku kot tudi uporabi ZUP glede pravic po GDPR in ZVOP. Glede prvega vidika sem skozi svoje raziskovalno delo ugotovila, da ZUP v nobenem primeru ni podrejen zakonodaji na področju varstva osebnih podatkov, saj v upravnih postopkih na sploh nastopa kot poglavitna področna zakonodaja. Obratno pa velja, ko gre za uveljavljanje pravic na področju varstva osebnih podatkov, saj GDPR oziroma ZVOP prevzame vlogo specialnega področnega predpisa in se ZUP uporablja podrejeno. Vendar pa se, tako kot na vseh področjih, vedno pojavljajo neujemanja med teorijo in prakso, kar sem na kar nekaj točkah izpostavila v svojem diplomskem delu. Skozi raziskovalno delo sem ovrgla obe hipotezi, ki sem si ju zastavila na začetku, saj sem prišla do zaključka, da ZUP nastopa kot (glavna) področna zakonodaja. Ugotovitve bodo lahko pripomogle k lažjemu razumevanju vseh obravnavanih zakonodaj, posamično in povezano, predvsem tisti del, ki govori o tako potrebni novi zakonodajni ureditvi.

Keywords:upravni postopki, varstvo osebnih podatkov, raba ZUP, GDPR, hierarhija predpisov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111084 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2019
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We encounter administrative procedures on an almost daily basis, whether we are aware of it or not. However, we are increasingly aware of the protection of our personal data, especially now that we are witnessing major technological advances and, therefore, increasing data dissemination. In my diploma work I studied Slovenian national and European legislation in the field of administrative procedures and protection of personal data, namely the General Administrative Procedure Act (ZUP), the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP) and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) , using normative, descriptive and comparative methods, as well as secondary sources analysis. The overlapping of the ZUP and GDPR or ZVOP occurs both in the use of personal data in any administrative procedure as well as in the application of the ZUP in relation to GDPR and ZVOP rights. With regard to the first aspect, through my research work, I have found that ZUP is in no way subordinated to the legislation in the field of personal data protection, since it generally acts as the main sectoral legislation in the case of administrative procedures. The opposite is true when it comes to exercising rights in the field of personal data protection, as GDPR or ZVOP assumes the role of a special sectoral rule and ZUP is used in a subordinate manner. However, as in all fields, there are always discrepancies between theory and practice, which I have highlighted in several points in my diploma thesis. Through my research work, I have rejected both hypotheses that I set out at the beginning of the journey, as, as mentioned above, I came to the conclusion that in this case ZUP acts as (main) sectoral legislation. The findings could help to facilitate an understanding of all the legislation under consideration, individually and in a coherent way, and in particular the part on the necessary new legislation.

Keywords:administrative procedures, personal data protection, use of ZUP, GDPR, hierarchy of regulations

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