
Vpliv naklona in nadmorske višine na globino prsti v severnem delu Kamniške Bistrice
ID Svoljšak, Janez (Author), ID Repe, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Relief vpliva na razvoj prsti posredno, saj vpliva na ostale pedogenetske dejavnike. Izmed več dejavnikov reliefa se bomo v tej zaključni seminarski nalogi osredotočili le na vpliv naklona in nadmorske višine. S terenskim delom bom na izbranih vzorčnih mestih pridobil podatke o naklonu, nadmorski višini ter globini prsti. S statistično obdelavo podatkov ter s pomočjo geoinformacijske programske opreme bom s prostorsko interpolacijo prikazal razporeditev globine prsti na proučevanem območju. Namen zaključne seminarske naloge je ugotoviti vpliv nadmorske višine ter naklona na globino prsti na izbranem območju, ter s pomočjo programske opreme podatke statistično obdelati ter kartografsko prikazati. Proučevano območje se nahaja od severnega dela doline Kamniška Bistrice do visokogorja Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp. Na terenu smo na izbranih točkah s pedoloških svedrom izvrtali vrtino do matične podlage. Odčitali smo globino prsti ter naklona. Za vsako vzorčno točko smo zabeležili lokacijo z nadmorsko višino. Podatke smo pridobili na 27 vzorčnih točkah, na treh različnih transektih. Kabinetno delo je zajemalo pripravo na terensko delo, pregled literature, statistično in kartografsko obdelavo podatkov. Po pridobitvni podatkov s terenskim delom smo statistično analizo opravili s programom SPSS. V nadaljevanju smo na podlagi odvisne spremenljivke “globina” ter neodvisnih spremenljivk “nadmorska višina” in “naklon” izračunali enačbo regresijskega modela z metodo “enter”. V ArcGISu smo s pomočjo enačbe regresijskega izračunali globino prsti. Kartografski prikaz globine prsti je izračunan na podlagi enačbe linearnega regresijskega modela: Y=81,948-0,039*(Nadmorska višina)-0,585*(Naklon)±11,2 S pomočjo statistične analize terensko pridobljenih podatkov smo ugotovili, da so globina prsti (odvisna spremenjljivka) in naklon ter nadmorska višina (neodvisni spremenjljivki) med seboj povezani. Zaradi relativno majhnega vzorca, ki je bil vključen v raziskavo je standardna napaka ocene 11,2 cm, kar je skoraj 20% vrednosti izračunane največje globine. Model je statistično značilen in pojasni 51,4% variance odvisne spremenljivke. Pri izračunu enačbe regresijske premice smo ugotovili negativno povezanost med globino prsti in nadmosko višino (-0,039) ter naklonom površja (0,585). Nadmorska višina je tako velika, da so pedogenetski procesi tako počasni, da prsti nastajajo zelo počasi ali praktično sploh ne. Obenem so z veliko nadmorsko višino podnebne razmere tako ostre, da onemogočajo rast sklenjenga rastlinskega pokrova, ki prispeva obvezno organsko sestavino prsti. Poleg vsega je tudi matična podlaga karbonatna in trda in je močno odporna proti mehanskemu in kemičnemu preperevanju. Naklon površja je tako velik, da različni pobočni procesi premestijo vse potencialno nastale drobne delce v nižje dele doline, kar se odraža v vršajih in meliščih. Pri tem svojo vlogo odigra voda kot pedogenetski dejavnik, ki z obilico padavin omogoča te procese. Z vsem navedenim smo dosegli tudi namen zaključne seminarske naloge, ugotoviti vpliv nadmorske višine ter naklona na globino prsti na izbranem območju ter s pomočjo programske opreme podatke statistično obdelati ter kartografsko prikazati.

Keywords:prsti, naklon, nadmorska višina, regresijska analiza, Kamniška Bistrica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111083 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of Incline and Altitude on Soil in northern part of Kamniška Bistrica
Relief influences soil development indirectly, as it influences other pedogenetic factors. Out of several relief factors, in this final seminar paper we will only focus on the influence of incline and altitude. Through fieldwork, I will obtain data on incline, altitude and soil depth at selected sampling points. With the statistical processing of the data and with the help of geo-information software, I will use the spatial interpolation to show the distribution of soil depth in the studied area. The purpose of this paper is to determine the influence of altitude and incline on soil depth in the selected area and to statistically process and map the data using software. The studied area is located between the northern part of the Kamniška Bistrica valley and the highlands of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. At the selected points in the field, a soil hole drill was used to drill a borehole to the bedrock. We read the depth of the soil and the incline. Location and altitude were recorded for each sample point. Data were obtained at 27 sample points, in three different transects. Non-field work included preparation for fieldwork, literature review, statistical and cartographic data processing. After obtaining data through fieldwork, the statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS program. Further on, we applied “enter” method to calculate the regression model equation, using the dependent variable “depth” and the independent variables “altitude” and “incline”. The soil depth was calculated in ArcGIS, using the regression equation. The mapping of soil depth was calculated on the basis of the linear regression model equation: Y=81,948-0,039*(Altitude)-0,585*(Incline)±11,2. Using statistical analysis of field-acquired data, we found that soil depth (independent variable) and incline and altitude (dependent variable) are interrelated. Due to the relatively small sample included in the survey, the standard error of estimate is 11.2 cm, which is almost 20% of the value of the maximum depth calculated. The model is statistically significant and explains 51.4% of the variance of the dependent variable. In calculating the regression line equation, we found a negative correlation between soil depth and altitude (-0.039) and surface incline (0.585). Due to high altitude, pedogenetic processes are so slow that the soil is formed very slowly or practically not at all. At the same time, at high altitude, the climatic conditions are so severe that they prevent the growth of the vegetation cover, which provides the organic component of the soil. In addition, the bedrock is hard, made of carbonate rock, which makes it highly resistant to mechanical and chemical weathering. The incline of the surface is so significant that different sloping processes move all the potential tiny particles into the lower parts of the valley which is reflected in the creeks and scree slopes. Water plays a role in this as a pedogenetic factor, which enables these processes by abundant precipitation. With all of the above, we achieved the purpose of the final seminar paper - determine the influence of altitude and incline on soil depth in the selected area, and use the software to statistically process and map the data.

Keywords:soil, altitude, slope inclination, regression analysis, The Kamniška Bistrica valley

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