
Urejanje avstrijske vojaške krajine v Pulju
ID Krnač, Tomislav (Author), ID Gazvoda, Davorin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga obravnava vojaško krajino mesta Pulj, ki je bila grajena pred prvo svetovno vojno za časa Avstro–Ogrske vladavine. Osredotoča se na policijsko mejo – ograjo, ki je povezovala utrdbe in druge vojaške objekte v linijsko prostorsko strukturo s funkcijo obrambe in nadzora mesta. Na območju je prepoznan problem zapuščanja in propadanja vojaške krajine, ki je izgubila svojo prvotno, obrambno funkcijo. Z nalogo se zato iščejo možnosti za njeno ohranjanje v prostoru, ter ponovno rabo. V nalogi je analizirana ohranjenost policijske meje v današnjem prostoru ter njene značilnosti. Analitični del naloge se konča z vrednotenjem prostora policijske meje, kjer so določene vrednostne kategorije prostora policijske meje ter ukrepi za nadaljnje oblikovanje prostora. Na osnovi vrednotenja in predlaganega programa so določeni prostorski ukrepi za urejanje prostora policijske meje. Predlagane so ureditve, ki imajo zgodovinsko pričevalno vlogo ter ohranjajo spomin na vojaško preteklost mesta. Poleg tega, nove ureditve povečujejo kakovost bivalnega okolja prebivalcev mesta ter ponujajo prostore za šport, rekreacijo, prostočasne aktivnosti in oddih. Nove ureditve so tako: spominski park, spominska pot, pristanišče in promenada ob morju, pokopališče, mestni parki in otroška igrišča, športni park, športnorekreacijska območja in urbani vrtički.

Keywords:krajinska arhitektura, vojaška krajina, urejanje krajine, preoblikovanje, Pula
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[T. Krnač]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111061 This link opens in a new window
UDC:711.424:711.559.6:623.1:712.25(497.5 Pula)(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:9317241 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2019
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Secondary language

The master's thesis deals with the military landscape of the town of Pula which was built before the First World War during the rule of Austro – Hungarian empire. It focuses on the police border - a linear military defense system with series of linked fortresses and other military buildings. The problems that have been identified are abandonment and vanishing of military landscape and military facilities due to their loss of original function. Therefore, the task is searching for ways to preserve it in space and re-use it. The concept of the design suggests the transformation of the abandoned military space in to a functional public space, while emphasizing its historical characteristic through the spatial design and design approach. The thesis analyzes the level of preservation of the police border and its spatial characteristics. The analytical part of the task is concluded by the evaluation process of the military landscape area where the value categories of space are determined, as well as the measures that define the way of further preserving or designing military landscape. Based on the evaluation process and the proposed program, spatial measures are proposed for further design of the area of the police border. The role of proposed design is to preserve and highlight the memory of the military history of the city and to preserve historical military landscape. At the same time, the proposed concept increases the quality of the living environment of the city's residents and offer facilities for sports, recreation, leisure activities and leisure. The new designed contents for Pula's military landscape are as follows: memorial park, memorial path, harbor and promenade along the sea, cemetery, city parks and playgrounds, sports park, sports and recreation areas and urban gardens.

Keywords:landscape architecture, military landscape, landsape design, redesign, Pula

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