Periodical surveys of rockfall were made on three test sites in Baška grapa. We measured weather variables with a meteorological station located in Sela nad Podmelcem. The data was entered and organised in the Microsoft Excel software. We calculated watershed and areas of potential rockfall source for every test site in ArcMap software. We performed correlation and linear regression model for each test site, category of source and weather variables in RStudio software. The results showed no statistical significance between the frequency of rockfall and weather variables in Klavže. Precipitation is positively linked with the frequency of rockfall in Loje 1, Loje 2 and all categories of source. With rise of air and ground temperatures the frequency of rockfall in Loje 1, Loje 2 and all categories of source declines. Daily air and ground temperature amplitudes don’t show any significant correlation with the number of rocks. Precipitation, air and ground temperature have greater effect on the frequency of rockfall from the strand than from higher source areas. No statistically significant correlation was found between the wind and rockfall frequency.