
Primerjava metod za dimenzioniranje tlačno in upogibno obremenjenih jeklenih elementov : diplomska naloga
ID Partikov, Jani (Author), ID Može, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali načine kontrole stabilnosti konstrukcijskih jeklenih elementov obremenjenih s tlačno osno silo in upogibnim momentom, ki jih podaja SIST EN 1993-1-1. Na začetku smo opisali obnašanje jeklenih elementov v čistem tlaku oziroma v čistem upogibu in izpeljali interakcijske enačbe za kontrolo stabilnosti, ki so podane v Evrokodu. V nadaljevanju je prikazana razlika med bočno podprtimi in bočno nepodprtimi elementi. Podrobno smo opisali uporabo interakcijskih enačb in koeficientov. Prikazali smo razliko med metodama, ki sta podani v Dodatkih A in B v Evrokodu. Pri splošni metodi smo opisali postopek in načine določanja posameznih koeficientov in splošne vitkosti. Na koncu smo na primeru bočno podprtega prostoležečega nosilca naredili primerjavo med metodami.

Keywords:stabilnost, vitkost, uklon, bočna zvrnitev, prečka-steber, interakcija, splošna metoda, SIST EN 1993-1-1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:J. Partikov]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111015 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8897889 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of methods for design of steel members in compression and bending : graduation thesis
The thesis deals with stability design requirements for steel beam-columns according to SIST EN 1993-1-1. The beam-columns are structural elements loaded with axial compression and bending moment. The first part of the thesis focuses on the behaviour of steel members in compression and bending, respectively, where the equations that are used in Eurocode are derived. The second part deals with the difference between laterally restrained and unrestrained beam-column elements. The difference between the stability interaction equations and its coefficients, given in Annexes A and B, is described in detail. The general method for the stability check is described and the idea behind general slenderness is provided as well. Finally, the application of all three methods is demonstrated on the simply supported and laterally restrained beam.

Keywords:stability, slenderness, flexural buckling, lateral torsional buckling, beam-column, interaction, general method, SIST EN 1993-1-1

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