
Lesni skobljanci kot surovina za izdelavo ploščnega kompozita
ID Lužnik, Rok (Author), ID Medved, Sergej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen tega diplomskega dela je bil izdelati lesni ploščni kompozit iz lesnih ostankov – skobljancev. Cilj je bil izdelati ploščo podobne strukture, kot jo lahko vidimo pri OSB plošči. Kot surovino smo si izbrali lesne skobljance, ki so bili večinoma izdelani iz lesa iglavcev (ostanki mizarskih obratov). Zlepili smo jih v plošče dimenzije 300 cm x 300 cm in debeline 8 mm. Izdelali smo dve vrsti plošč s tremi različnimi gostotami (prve z večjimi gradniki v zunanjem sloju in druge z večjimi gradniki v srednjem sloju). Določili smo gostoto, vlažnost, debelinski nabrek in vpijanje vode ter upogibno in razslojno trdnost. Boljše upogibne trdnosti smo dosegli pri ploščah, kjer smo v zunanjem sloju uporabili večje gradnike, medtem ko je bila višja razslojna trdnost ugotovljena pri ploščah z večjimi gradniki v srednjem sloju.

Keywords:lesni ploščni kompozit, OSB, skobljanci, upogibna trdnost, razslojna trdnost, debelinski nabrek, vpijanje vode, gostota
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[R. Lužnik]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110978 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3117449 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Planer shavings as a constituent for wood-based composite
The purpose of this B. Sc. thesis was to make a wood-based composite from wood residue called wood chips. The aim was to produce a panel with a structure similar to OSB panel. The raw material that we chose was carpentry residue: conifer' planer shavings. We pressed them into panels of 300 x 300 cm and 8 mm thick. We made two kinds of panels with three different densities (the first with bigger particles in the outer layer, and second with bigger particles in the middle layer). We then determined the density, moisture, thickness swelling, water absorption, bending strength, and delamination strength. We concluded that we were able to achieve better bending strength in panels with bigger particles in the outer layer, while the delamination strength was higher in panels with bigger particles in the middle layer.

Keywords:wood panel composite, OSB, planer shavings, bending strength, internal bond, thickness swelling, water absorption, density

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