
Analiza nosilnosti stavbe Stare tehnike : diplomska naloga
ID Remec, Miha (Author), ID Bosiljkov, Vlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Antolinc, David (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena analiza nosilnosti opečnate stavbe Stare tehnike. Objekt je del slovenske stavbne kulturne dediščine, ter je od leta 2009 razglašen za spomenik državnega pomena. Predstavil sem analitični in numerični postopek analize omenjenega objekta. Numerični postopek je bil izveden s programskim orodjem Sremb, ki je zasnovan posebej za analizo zidanih stavb. Izpostavljene so potencialne problematike vezane na nosilnost konkretnega objekta. Glede na karto mikrorajonizacije Mestne občine Ljubljana leži objekt na lokaciji, ki ima nadpovprečno velik pospešek tal in zelo neugodne karakteristike temeljnih tal, kar posledično pomeni veliko predpostavljeno potresno obremenitev. Objekt je v tlorisu zasnovan izrazito podolgovato. Zanj smo preverili tako vertikalno kot tudi horizontalno odpornost in jo primerjali s sodobnimi zahtevami, ki morajo veljati pri stabilnem in potresno varnem objektu. Z analizo sem potrdil, da ima objekt po dolžini veliko več strižnih zidov kot po širini in posledično v tej smeri večjo horizontalno odpornost. Stavba je torej šibka v smeri pravokotno na njeno daljšo izmero (dolžino objekta). To dokazuje tudi projektni koeficient prečne sile ?SRC?_u, ki je v smeri dolžine objekta približno dvakrat večji kot v smeri širine objekta. Na koncu naloge so predstavljene možne sanacije oziroma ojačitveni ukrepi.

Keywords:Stara tehnika, zidane stavbe, Evrokod, Sremb, potresna obremenitev
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:M. Remec]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110962 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8895329 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Load bearing capacity analysis of the building Stara tehnika : graduation thesis
The thesis presents the capacity analysis of brick work building Stara tehnika. The building is part of the Slovenian building cultural heritage, and since 2009 it has been declared as a monument of national importance. I have presented the analytical and numerical analysis procedure of the mentioned building. The numerical procedure was carried out with the software tool Sremb, which is specifically designed for the analysis of masonry buildings. Potential issues related to the load bearing capacity of the considered and analysed building are highlighted. Regarding to the map of the micro-location of the Ljubljana city, the building is located on a site that has an above-average high acceleration of the ground and very unfavourable characteristics of the underlying ground. This consequently implies relatively large seismic load. The floor plan of the building is markedly longer in one direction. I have checked both vertical as well as horizontal resistance, and compared with the modern requirements of the seismic design codes and practices. The analysis confirmed that the object has a lot more shear walls and consequently more horizontal resistance in the longitudinal direction. The building is weak in transversal direction of the building. This is also proved by the design coefficient of the transverse force ?(SRC?_u), which has in the longitudinal direction of the building about double value comparing to that in the transversal direction. At the end of the thesis different measures for reconstruction and structural upgrade are introduced.

Keywords:Stara tehnika, masonry buildings, Eurocode, Sremb, seismic load

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