
Vloga lutke pri razvoju socialnih veščin v skupini
ID Poglajen, Melita (Author), ID Korošec, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5969/ This link opens in a new window

Diplomsko delo obravnava, kakšna je vloga lutke pri razvoju socialnih veščin in pri vključevanju tujejezičnih otrok v skupino. Prav tako se ukvarja s tem, kakšen je vpliv lutke na dinamiko skupine, skupinsko pripadnost in upoštevanje pravil. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela govorim o pedagoških potencialih lutke. Navajam razloge, zakaj je tako dober didaktični pripomoček in opisujem pozitivne vplive na otrokov razvoj. Osredotočam sem se predvsem na otrokov socialni in čustveni razvoj ter razvoj domišljije. Razmišljam o vzgojiteljevi vlogi in ugotavljam, kaj o tem pravi Kurikulum za vrtce. Iščem terapevtske učinke lutke in razlagam o čarobnosti, ki jo lutka nosi v sebi. Nato predstavim socialni in čustveni razvoj v predšolskem obdobju. Razmišljam tudi o otrokovi socialni udeležbi v igri, o vlogi odraslega v igri in o komunikaciji med igro. V empiričnem delu opišem stanje in posebnosti skupine predšolskih otrok starih 5-6 let, nato pa v svoje vzgojno-izobraževalno delo za tri tedne vključim lutko in evalviram končno stanje v skupini, glede na zastavljena vprašanja. Tako preverim, kako uporaba lutke pri vzgojno-izobraževalnem delu vpliva na skupino otrok. Ugotavljam, da lutka, ki je aktivno vključena v vzgojno-izobraževalni proces, pripomore k razvoju socialnih veščin, spodbuja interakcije, pomaga pri vključevanju tujejezičnih otrok in močno vpliva na vzdušje ter funkcioniranje skupine.

Keywords:lutka v vrtcu
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110947 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12595529 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Importance of the puppet in the development of group social skills
The thesis deals with the role of the puppet in the development of social skills and the integration of foreign language children into the group. It also deals with the impact of the puppet on the dynamics of a group, group affiliation and compliance with rules. In the theoretical part of the thesis I talk about the pedagogical potentials of the puppet. I give reasons why it is such a good didactic tool and describe the positive effects on child development. I focus on children's social and emotional development and the development of imagination. I'm thinking about the kindergarten teacher's role and I'm figuring out what the Kurikulum for Kindergartens is about. I am looking for the therapeutic effects of the puppet and I am explaining the magic that the puppet carries within it. Then I present social and emotional development in the pre-school age. I'm also thinking about the child's social participation in the game, about the role of an adult in the game and about communication during the game. In the empirical part, I describe the condition and special features of a group of pre-school children aged 5-6 years. Then whitin the course of three weeks of my academic-educational work, I include the puppet and evaluate the final situation in the group, depending on the questions asked. That allowes me to check how the use of the puppet in the educational work affects the group of children. I find that the puppet, which is so actively involved in the educational process, contributes to the development of social skills, promotes interactions, helps to integrate foreign-language children and has a strong influence on the atmosphere and functioning of the group.

Keywords:kindergarten puppet

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