The 19th century was the golden era for the evolution of advertisement, due to monumental changes in economy, politics, transportation and everyday life. Commerce wasn't city- or region-bound anymore, but interregional and international. The guilds came to an end with the liberalization of the economy, which in turn, resulted in the rise of capitalism and subsequently, more aggressive advertisement techniques. In this master thesis, I examined food adverts in three Slovenian newspapers, Naša gospodinja, Slovenska gospodinja and Domači prijatelj. The analysis was taken into account the years from 1905 to the beginning of the First World War in 1914. In this time span, adverts evolved into a more and more exuberant form, both visually and in text. They were advertising different food products, especially drinks (coffee substitute), and also a lot of instant foods/ready-made meals (instant soup, baby food, etc.) and additives (soup supplement, baking supplement).