
Analiza adaptacije: primerjava kratkih zgodb Alice Munro iz zbirke Ubežnica (2004) in filma Pedra Almodóvarja Julieta (2016)
ID Konjedic, Polona (Author), ID Blake, Jason Frederick (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Virk, Tomislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ta magistrska naloga se osredotoča na primerjavo med filmom Pedra Almodóvarja Julieta (2016) in tremi kratkimi zgodbami Alice Munro "Priložnost", "Tišina" in "Kmalu" iz zbirke Ubežnica, ki so Almodóvarju služile kot inspiracija za njegovo filmsko adaptacijo. Magistrska naloga je razdeljena na dva dela: v prvem delu se osredotočam na primerjavo med filmom in literaturo in primerjavo Munrojinega in Almodóvarjevega dela, zasebnega življenja (samo v povezavi z vplivom na njuno kariero), poleg tega pa iščem skupne točke njunega dela in pogostih tem, ki se jih v svojih delih lotevata. V drugem delu se osredotočam na spremembe v adaptaciji z ozirom na teme, ki jih odpirata obe deli, še posebej razmerja med mamo in hčerko, krivdo, seksualnostjo in religijo. Čeprav so omenjene teme obravnavane kot univerzalne, opozarjam na določene kulturne razlike med avtorjema in njunim umetniškim ozadjem, ki lahko vplivajo na samo predstavitev določene teme in dojemanje le-te kot univerzalne. Pri obravnavi tem, ki jih odpirajo filmska adaptacija in kratke zgodbe, upoštevam tudi filmske in literarne specifike in pri obravnavi posamezne tematike iščem razloge za morebitne spremembe v adaptaciji, ki so lahko kulturološke ali zgolj plod samega razmerja med filmom in literaturo.

Keywords:adaptacija, kultura in adaptacija, film in literatura, Almodóvar, Munro
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110906 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2019
KONJEDIC, Polona, 2019, Analiza adaptacije: primerjava kratkih zgodb Alice Munro iz zbirke Ubežnica (2004) in filma Pedra Almodóvarja Julieta (2016) [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 6 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Adaptation Analysis: Comparison of Alice Munro’s short stories in Runaway (2004) and Pedro Almodóvar’s movie Julieta (2016)
This master’s thesis focuses on the comparison between Pedro Almodóvar’s movie Julieta (2016) and the three short stories from Alice Munro’s collection Runaway (“Chance,” “Silence,” and “Soon”) that served as an inspiration for Almodóvar’s adaptation. The thesis is divided into two parts: the first part focuses on the comparison between cinema and literature and the comparison between Munro and Almodóvar in terms of their work, personal life (just in the aspects of how it affected their work), what they have in common as authors and how they approach the common themes in their work. In the second part I discuss the changes in the adaptation from the thematic point of view, especially when it comes to the interpretation of mother-daughter relationship, guilt, sexuality and religion. Even though these themes are often considered universal, I point out some issues originating in the author’sculture and their artistic background that might occur if we present a particular theme as universal. Film and literary specifities are also taken into consideration when discussing themes that the original stories and the film adaptation deal with. When discussing a theme, I look for reasons for possible changes in the adaptations that might originate from the author’s culture or the relationship between film and literature.

Keywords:adaptation, culture and adaptation, film and literature, Almodóvar, Munro

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