
Sodobna fantazijska književnost na Slovenskem
ID Božič, Metka (Author), ID Pezdirc Bartol, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo raziskuje, ali v slovenskem literarnem prostoru obstajajo primeri sodobne oz. potolkienovske fantazije, kot se je na zahodu razvijala od druge polovice 20. stoletja dalje in za katero prvi ter še danes najzglednejši primer velja Tolkienova trilogija Gospodar prstanov. Na Slovenskem lahko o njenih začetkih govorimo po letu 2000, ko je prihod filmskih adaptacij svetovno znanih fantazijskih romanov spodbudil nenaden porast zanimanja za žanr. To se je med drugim začelo odražati ob literarnih poskusih avtorjev, kot so Andrej Ivanuša, Marko Robnik, Urban Klančnik, Bojan Ekselenski in Samo Petančič, kasneje pa še Marget Belani, Natalija Nanevska Đuričić in Uroš Topić. Vendar tovrstna dela ostajajo večinoma neprepoznana, kritiško spregledana, ob pomanjkanju kakovostnega uredniškega posega pa tudi jezikovno in besedilno neprečiščena. Analiza ključnih prvin sodobne fantazije, ki jih povzemam po Jakobu J. Kendi, kaže, da lahko ob besedilih naštetih avtorjev bolj kot o pravih začetkih govorimo o žanrskih zametkih, saj imamo prej kot s pravimi literarnimi stvaritvami opravka z ljubiteljskim pisanjem vprašljive literarne kakovosti. Odraz tega je površen in nerazvit slog, ki s preprostimi pripovednimi tehnikami ter omejevanjem na perspektivo filmske kamere izkazuje pretežno vpliv filmskih akcij; opaziti pa je tudi šibko karakterizacijo likov, neizvirnost pri izgradnji fantazijskih svetov in navsezadnje zanemarjanje nekaterih ključnih prvin fantazije, kot je (junakovo) zavedanje nestvarnosti.

Keywords:fantastika, fantazija, sodobna fantazija, slovenska književnost, mladinska književnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110879 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2019
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Title:Slovenian fantasy fiction
The main goal of this thesis is to determine whether the current domain of Slovenian literature contains examples of modern fantasy which can also be termed “post-Tolkien” fantasy. The primary example of this genre, which emerged in the mid 20th century in the west, is considered to be Tolkien’s trilogy, The Lord of the Rings. After the year 2000, the genre also saw its emergence in Slovenian literature, as the appearance of several film adaptations of renowned fantasy novels sparked new interest in this topic. The early literary attempts include the work by authors such as Andrej Ivanuša, Marko Robnik, Urban Klančnik, Bojan Ekselenski and Samo Petančič, while the later include Marget Belani, Natalija Nanevska Đuričić and Uroš Topić. However, such writings remain critically unacclaimed, mostly unrecognized, and often also show absence of proofreading. The present thesis investigates the basic elements of modern fantasy in these works, following the approach proposed by Jakob J. Kenda. The results suggest that these are more instances of literary attempts, rather than actual foundational pieces of the discussed genre, and hence seem the result of hobbyist writing that lacks literary quality. This conclusion is supported by several observations. The style in these works is under-developed and superficial. Aiming to imitate a film camera, it seems mostly influenced by the fast-paced narration of action films. In addition, the characters are flat, the fantasy worlds are poorly constructed, and there is a distinct lack of awareness of the imaginary, which signals oversight of a key aspect of fantasy.

Keywords:the Fantastic, fantasy literature, modern fantasy, slovenian literature, youth literature

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