
Javna razprava o reformah socialnovarstvenih prejemkov leta 2010 in 2016
ID Tomić, Marina (Author), ID Kovačič, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga poskuša osvetliti politično in ideološko klimo v času sprejemanja in uveljavitve Zakona o uveljavljanju pravic iz javnih sredstev in Zakona o socialnovarstvenih prejemkih v letih 2010–2012 in ponovno v času spremembe in dopolnitve Zakona o socialnovarstvenih prejemkih v letih 2016–2018. Leta 2010 je takratna liberalna vlada pod pretvezo vzpostavljanja »bolj pravične in dolgoročno bolj vzdržne socialne države« sprejela paket neoliberalnih reform, katerih glavna funkcija je bila zmanjševanje proračunskega primanjkljaja v času finančne krize skupaj s sistemskim krčenjem dostopnosti do socialnih pravic. Zaradi reforme se je v naslednjih letih poslabšal materialni položaj družin in starejših ljudi, kar 16.000 upokojencev pa se je leta 2012 kljub socialni stiski in nizkim pokojninam zaradi strahu pred izgubo nepremičnine prostovoljno odpovedalo varstvenemu dodatku. V empiričnem delu diplomske naloge raziskujem stališča posameznih parlamentarnih in neparlamentarnih interesnih skupin, kar obsega pregled in analizo parlamentarne razprave, stališča in strokovne analize znanstvene javnosti ter poročanje izbranih časopisov.

Keywords:socialna država, denarna socialna pomoč, varstveni dodatek, javna razprava.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110857 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Public debate on social assistance benefits reform in the year 2010 and 2016
This thesis seeks to shed light on the political and ideological climate at the time of the adoption and entry into force of the Exercise of Rights from Public Funds Act and the Social Assistance Benefits Act 2010-2012, and again at the time of amending and adjusting the Social Assistance Benefits Act 2016-2018. In 2010, the then Liberal government, on the pretext of establishing a ‘fairer and more sustainable social state’, adopted a package of neoliberal reforms, the main function of which was to reduce the budget deficit during the financial crisis, together with a systemic reduction of accessibility to social rights. As a result of the reform, the financial position of families and the elderly deteriorated in the coming years, and as many as 16,000 retirees voluntarily gave up their income supplement in 2012 despite financial distress and low pensions due to fear of losing their property. In the empirical part of the thesis, I investigate the positions of individual parliamentary and non-parliamentary interest groups, which includes reviewing and analysing parliamentary debate, standpoints and professional analysis of the scientific public, and reporting of selected newspapers.

Keywords:welfare state, financial social assistance, income supplement, public debate.

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