
Mladi in gledališče Vloga gledališča v obdobju odraščanja in pomen aktivnega vključevanja mladih v profesionalne produkcije na primeru predstav Vihar v glavi in Pravica biti človek
ID Trobec, Lucija (Author), ID Troha, Gašper (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo skuša raziskati pomen gledališča v odnosu do najstnikov. Temo najprej obdela s pomočjo znanstvene literature, kasneje pa se naveže na predstavi Vihar v glavi in Pravica biti človek. Gledališču se že od nekdaj pripisuje različne pomene, funkcije in družbene vloge. V zadnjem času, ko je družbena skrb za otroke in mladostnike vedno večja, se tudi gledališče razume kot pomemben element na poti odraščanja. Gledališče za mlade pogosto predstavlja medij, prek katerega se najstnikom ali posreduje določene moralne, etične in družbene norme, spregovori o tabuiranih temah ali pa predstavi velika klasična dela. Zadnje čase se temu pridružuje še misel, da je gledališče za mlade predvsem prostor, namenjen njihovemu izražanju doživljanja sveta in gradnji identitete. Institucionalna gledališča v ta namen k sodelovanju vedno bolj vabijo tudi najstnike. Gledališki laboratorij Lutkovnega gledališča Ljubljana predstavlja primer dobre prakse vključevanja najstnikov v profesionalne produkcije. V zadnjih dveh sezonah so uprizorili predstavi Vihar v glavi in Pravica biti človek. Produkciji sta nastali v sodelovanju z najstniki, starimi med dvanajst in osemnajst let in pred-izprašujeta za adolescente ključna vprašanja – odnosi s starši, razvoj njihovih možganov, samopodoba, vključevanje v družbeno-politično sfero ipd. Predstavi se pogosto razume kot povezovalni most med dvema generacijama.

Keywords:gledališče, najstniki, Vihar v glavi, Pravica biti človek
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110851 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The Youth and Theatre: The role of theatre when growing up and the importance of active involvement of the youth in professional plays; a study based on Brainstorm and The Right to Be Human
The undergraduate thesis attempts to explore the importance of theater in relation to teenagers. It first deals with the topic from the point of view of the relevant scientific literature, and later it relates to the plays Brainstorm and The Right to Be Human. Theater has always been credited with different meanings, functions and social roles. Recently, as social care for children and adolescents has increased, theater has also been seen as an important element in the path of growing up. Youth theater is often a medium through which teenagers are either conveyed certain moral, ethical and social norms, presented with taboo topics or introduced to great classical works. Recently, the idea that the theater for young people is primarily a space for them to express their experiences of the world and to build their identity has been associated with this vision. To this end, institutional theaters are increasingly inviting teenagers to participate. The Theater Laboratory run by the Ljubljana Puppet Theater is an example of good practice in involving teenagers in professional productions. For the past two seasons, they have staged the performances Brainstorm and The Right to Be Human. The productions were made in collaboration with teenagers between the ages of twelve and eighteen and ask some key questions for adolescents – questions referring to the relationships with their parents, their brain development, their self-image, their involvement in the socio-political sphere etc. The shows are often understood as a connecting bridge between two generations.

Keywords:theater, teenagers, Brainstorm, The Right to Be Human

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