Introduction: Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders classifies autism into pervasive developmental disorders. These are complex developmental disorders with communication and reciprocal social interaction, imagination, the presence of stereotyped behavior, interests and activity that can hinder the child in functioning. Symptoms are present in early childhood development, but can manifest when environmental requirements exceed the child’s abilities. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to determine how the integration of a dog into therapy affects the quality treatment of child with autism, the child's progress and a higher lever of integration into the environment. Work methods: The descriptive research method was used for the systematic review of the literature. Results: Researchers have shown that the inclusion of activities with dogs and their presence result in positive changes in all areas of human activity. Researches have shown the positive effects of engaging a dog in the treatment of a child with autism. Dog represents a child's safe object, which affects the development of the child's social skills and more active involvement in treatment with the therapist. Disscusion and conclusion: Awareness of the importance of therapy with a dog increases, that is why this field should be evaluated and placed in occupational therapy interventions. Such therapy establishes a more interactive treatment through the activities such as washing, feeding and combing the dog, playing, holding a leash, learning tricks where a child uses his knowledge and skills. Caring and walking a dog have a direct effect on the whole family. The dog is used in preparatoy activities, where the child is trained to learn new skills, which will he later learn in other situations even without the dog. The child quickly learns new behavoiral patterns that increase his autonomy and social-interaction skill. In addition to the child, the influence of the dog is also noticeable on the rest of those present: parents report positive effects when the dog in included in family dynamics. In the rest of the world, the field of inclusion of dog therapy in treatment is more developed. In Slovenia there has been a recent shift in ters of professional treatment with the inclusion of the dog.