
Avtomatiziran sistem za regulacijo toplotne črpalke
ID Pečnik, Matej (Author), ID Bajec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ljudje že stoletja ogrevamo svoja bivališča na najrazličnejše načine. Sodobnejši in človeku prijaznejši načini so na voljo le s pritiskom na gumb in nastavitvijo željene temparature. Večkrat se bivališča grejejo tudi, ko nas ni doma in na temperature, ki nam ne predstavljajo ugodnega počutja. V magistrskem delu predstavljamo nadgradnjo obstoječega sistema toplotne črpalke, ki spremlja naše gibanje tudi izven naših bivališč, izklaplja naše toplotne sisteme, ko zazna, da bomo odsotni dlje časa in ogreje bivališče na nam ugodno temparaturo točno ob prihodu domov. Tako nam o predhodnih ročnih regulacijah ni potrebno popolnoma nič razmišljati. Poleg tega ohranimo precej nepotrebno potrošene energije in s tem posredno varujemo okolje. Ogrevalni sistem smo nadgradili z avtomatiziranim sistemom, ki je povezan z GPS sistemom mobilne naprave in omogoča strojno učenje glede na predhodne situacije. Rezultati analize delovanja novega sistema so pri povprečnih dnevnih zunanjih temperaturah med 7 in 9 stopinj Celzija pokazali tudi več kot 40 % prihrankov električne energije.

Keywords:toplotna črpalka, avtomatiziran sistem, regulacija, prihranki električne energije, internet stvari, strojno učenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110791 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1538397635 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Automated heat pump control system
For centuries, people have been using different types of heating systems. Modern and user-friendly systems are regulated just by pressing a button and setting the right temperature. Our homes can be heated when we are away and often reach unpleasant temperatures. In our master thesis, we presented an upgrade of the existing heat pump system that tracks our movement even when we are away from home. It recognises when we will be away for a longer period of time, switches off our heating as needed, and sets the right temperature at the exact time of our return. That means we do not have to worry about manual controls. In addition, we are protecting the environment and saving energy. The heating system has been upgraded with an automatic system that is connected to a mobile device through GPS and enables machine learning based on past behaviour. Analyses showed that using the new heating system at average outdoor temperatures between 7 and 9 degrees Celsius can reduce energy consumption for more than 40 %.

Keywords:heat pump, automated system, control, electricity savings, internet of things, machine learning

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