
Rojstvo zgodnjega nacionalizma v kontekstu Francoske revolucije
ID Kavka, Nejc (Author), ID Cergol Paradiž, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Nacionalizem je v skladu s sodobno zgodovinsko stroko razmeroma modern pojav. Zametki idej in konceptov nacionalnosti so v teoretskih okvirih začeli vznikati zlasti v obdobju razsvetljenstva, ki je svoj vrhunec in obenem konec doživelo z veliko francosko revolucijo konec 18. stoletja. Kritična situacija državnih financ, splošno pomanjkanje, lakota, nefunkcionalna državna uprava in izrazito centralizirana absolutistična oblast – vsi ti problemi francoske monarhije Ludvika XVI. so se sovpadli s tlečimi idejami nacionalizma in pripeljali do izbruha množičnih nemirov, ki jih je liberalno meščanstvo izkoristilo za uveljavitev korenitih reform skladno z razsvetljensko mislijo. Toda poskus vzpostavitve ustavne monarhije se je kmalu pričel sesuvati pod težo globokih socialnih, gospodarskih in zunanjepolitičnih težav, ki so še vedno močno bremenile Francijo. Tok dogodkov je preko politične radikalizacije in množične politizacije ljudskih množic naposled pripeljal do druge revolucije, nastanka republike, uveljavitve demokracije in jakobinskega terorja. V tej fazi je revolucija krepko presegla osnovno razsvetljensko idejo nacionalizma in pod vplivom skrajnih razmer v državi odkrila nekaj povsem novega.

Keywords:nacionalizem, francoska revolucija, absolutizem, buržoazija, republika
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110763 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Birth of early nationalism in the context of French revolution
Nationalism is a fairly modern phenomenon. Its initial conceptual beginnings date back to the Enlightment era, which saw its highlight and ending in the French revolution at the end of the 18th century. Critical situation of the state finances, poverty, famine, dysfunctional state management and a very centralistic and absolutistic government – these are all the problems of the French monarchy during the reign of Louis XVI. that coincided with the rising national ideas and eventually led to the outbreak of mass insurrections, which the liberal bourgeoisie used to enforce thorough state reforms along the lines of enlightment philosophy. However, the attempt at constitutional monarchy soon failed due to severe social, economic and political issues in France. Eventually the political radicalization and mass politization of the French citizens led to the second revolution, establishment of the republic, democracy and Jacobin terror. In this phase the Revolution passed the basic liberal idea of nationalism and due to extreme conditions in the state, it discovered something new altogether.

Keywords:nationalism, French revolution, absolutism, bourgeoisie, republic

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