Seaweeds are simple organisms made of one or more cells that appear as colonies or as a collection of cells that together create simple tissues. They are mostly built in the form of a litter. They are divided into three large genus: green, red and brown algae. The chemical components of seaweed extracts include complex polysaccharides, fatty acids, vitamins, phytohormones and mineral nutrients. Today’s extraction methods can obtain algae extracts with high nutrient content. Enzyme extraction is currently one of the few methods that can come to such results. The use of commercial extracts from A.nodosum has certainly demonstrated the stimulating activity of growth on treated plants if they were used repeatedly at low concentrations. Using brown algae extracts of A.nodosum several times resulted in increased growth and increased yields. There are still numerous questions that need to be addressed regarding more effective use of common seaweed extracts. Studies has shown us that plant species are responding to applications of seaweed extracts differently.