In the experiment we checked the compatibility of the tests and the existing testing station with the standards. In the analysis, we found that the tests and the test station were not compatible with the standards that apply in this field. Wood is classified as an engineering material in the European Union and thus testing of its properties is important, as we can then obtain the correct data on its physical and mechanical properties. We thus aimed to develop a new testing machine and determined the course of the test and the preparation of samples for determining the bending strength. The project was divided into two parts. The first was construction and sizing of the machine. In this we determined the shape, dimensions and for some parts the solidity of the machine. We have prepared a blueprint of the testing machine and a plan of parts. In the second part of the project, we determined the drive, the measurement system and the software used for data acquisition. For the drive we selected a servo motor with a suitable torque. To measure the force, we chose a dynamometer. The output data of the dynamometer is in the form of an electric signal, which is captured on a personal computer in the form of electronic spreadsheets, which allows for further processing. We made a price analysis and compared the price of our proposed system with that of the testing stations on the market, as we wanted to know if it would be better to buy a new test station that is currently commercially available.