In the master’s thesis, we supplemented the library of SWOOD Design with basic solutions. A few steps of creating a library of parametric 3D models are shown. SolidWorks modeller with the add-in SWOOD Design was used as the basic platform for 3D modelling. Parametrization of 3D models was made with the SWOOD BOX Parameters Definition tool. In solving the furniture front overlay problem, we accomplished that the overlays and gaps between fronts are automatically calculated and also automatically updated when the thickness of the side panels of the cabinet frame is changed. This solution has significantly reduced modelling time. With invisible separations we were able to separate the interior of the cabinet frame into multiple sections, which simplified the design and also made it possible to insert drawers. A hidden frame around the fronts allows the handle to correctly detect its positioning area. In combination with a small set of variables and if clauses we can position the handle according to our preferences. By creating all the parametric solutions which are able to automatically adapt to the available space or given dimensions, we have significantly reduced the design time. This simplified the entire product design process. Before the library upgrade the potential of SWOOD Design was not fully used in the Slovenian market. With all the upgrades and additions to the library it became one of leading competitors among this type of designing programs. The solutions presented in the master’s thesis serve as a basis for the individual customization of each furniture designer. All the solutions shown in the master’s thesis are the result of my independent work.