
Menjava sporočil med dvema nezaupljivima strankama : magistrsko delo
ID Klanjšček, Klemen (Author), ID Jurišić, Aleksandar (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrske naloge je konstruirati in implementirati protokol, ki omogoča dvema nezaupljiva strankama pošteno izmenjavo zasebnih rešitev problemov iz razreda NP brez posredovanja zaupanja vredne tretje osebe. Protokol omogoča preverjanje ustreznosti rešitev problemov iz razreda NP brez razkritja znanja in zagotavlja poštenost menjave, tj. če ena stranka predčasno odstopi od protokola, potem morata obe stranki vložiti primerljivo enako časa za pridobitev zaprošenih rešitev. Verifikacija sporočil temelji na protokolu "popačeno vezje", postopna poštena izmenjava le-teh pa na časovnih zaprisegah. Omejili smo se na izmenjavo rešitev problema iskanja praslik kriptografskih zgoščevalnih funkcij. Pri predpostavki da imamo dovolj dobro mrežno povezavo med sodelujočima, lahko s tako implementacijo izmenjamo krajša sporočila.

Keywords:večstrankarsko računanje, varna evalvacija funkcij, protokol popačeno vezje, dokaz brez razkritja znanja, sheme za zapriseganje, kriptografija javnih ključev, zgoščevalne funkcije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110591 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:18722905 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2019
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Title:Exchange of messages between two mistrusting parties
In this thesis we discuss the construction and our implementation of a protocol that allows two independent parties a fair exchange of private solutions of NP problems without a trusted third party. The protocol allows verification of solutions of a NP problem using zero knowledge and ensures fairness of exchange, i.e., if one party quits the protocol early, then the two parties must invest comparable amounts of time to retrieve requested solutions. Verification of solutions is based on the garbled circuit protocol and the fair exchange is formed on timed commitments. Our focus was on exchange of messages with respect to the preimage problem of cryptographic hash functions. Assuming that we have enough bandwidth available we are able to exchange shorter messages.

Keywords:multiparty computation, secure function evalutaion, garbled circuit protocol, zero-knowledge proof, commitment schemes, public-key cryptography, hash functions

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