
Plakat kot sredstvo poučevanja likovnih spremenljivk
ID Nunar, Ema (Author), ID Selan, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Podobnik, Uršula (Comentor)

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Plakat je del grafičnega oblikovanja tako kot je slika del slikarstva. Pojem plakat ni uvrščen v učni načrt za predmet likovna umetnost, se pa pojavi v učnem načrtu za predmet likovno snovanje 2. V magistrskem delu smo raziskali, koliko vsebin s področja grafičnega oblikovanja se pojavi v učnem načrtu za likovno umetnost in likovno snovanje. Zanimalo nas je, kako bi lahko v pouk likovne umetnosti vključili še več vsebin s področja grafičnega oblikovanja. S tem bi učencem približali razumevanje vizualnih sporočil, ki nas spremljajo na vsakem koraku ter aktualizirali pomembnost likovne umetnosti. Definirali smo, kaj je značilno za plakat, v katere skupine delimo plakate glede na vsebino, vključili smo kratek zgodovinski pregled plakatov na Slovenskem in na Poljskem, predstavili smo pomembnejše oblikovalce plakatov iz obeh držav. V sklopu empiričnega dela smo raziskali, kako na razumevanje likovnih spremenljivk med učenci vpliva predstavitev s pomočjo primerov grafičnega oblikovanja (plakati) in s pomočjo slikarskih primerov. S kvantitativno raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, ali se pojavi razlika v razumevanju likovnih spremenljivk med učenci, ki so jim bile le-te predstavljene s pomočjo slikarskih primerov in učenci, ki so jim bile le-te predstavljene s pomočjo primerov grafičnega oblikovanja. V sklopu kvalitativne raziskave smo vrednotili likovne izdelke učencev.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110577 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12586825 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Poster as a means of teaching art variables
Posters are part of graphic design just like paintings are part of painting. The term poster is not included in the curriculum for the subject of Art, but it is included in the curriculum for the subject Art Design 2. In this master thesis we explored how much content from the field of graphic design can be found in the curriculum for Art and Art Design. Our point of interest was how to incorporate more content from the field of graphic design in the teaching of Art. By doing that we would familiarize the students with the understanding of visual messages, which are present everywhere around us and modernize the importance of fine art. We defined the main characteristics of a poster, as well as in which group we categorize posters according to the content and we included a short historical overview of posters in Slovenia and Poland, adding also the presentation of main poster designers from both countries. In the empirical part we researched how the understanding of art variables among students is influenced by a presentation with the help of a graphic design (poster) and with the help of paintings. The quantitative research aimed at discovering whether there is a difference in the understanding of art variables among students if they have been presented with the help of paintings or they have been presented with the help of graphic design. The qualitative research, on the other hand, evaluated the artistic creations from the students.


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