
Vpliv učnih metod na pojav motečega vedenja pri pouku
ID Pajk, Mariša (Author), ID Peček Čuk, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5937/ This link opens in a new window

Glavni namen naloge je ugotoviti, ali premišljena izbira učnih metod vpliva na pojav motečega vedenja pri pouku. V teoretičnem delu naloga analizira, kakšna je pravzaprav naloga učitelja v šolskem prostoru, kakšen pouk je sodobni pouk, kako učitelji načrtujejo pouk in na katere vidike so pri načrtovanju pozorni. Nadalje naloga razčlenjuje katere učne metode imajo učitelji sploh na voljo (predvsem za poučevanje predmeta slovenščina) ter kako s temi razpoložljivimi učnimi metodami načrtujejo pouk glede na različne učne priprave. Skozi teorijo je predstavljen tudi vidik preventivne discipline. Razčlenjeno je, zakaj je to zelo pomemben in nepogrešljiv del, na katerega učitelji ne bi smeli pozabiti pri načrtovanju in izvajanju pouka. Na koncu teoretičnega dela so analizirane raziskave, ki so bile na tem področju že opravljene in so smiselno povezane z raziskavo, ki je opisana v empiričnem delu. Z empirično raziskavo, ki smo jo izvajali jeseni 2018, smo preverjali, katere učne metode se uporabljajo pri pouku slovenščine, kolikšen pomen pripisujejo učitelji načrtovanju šolskih ur z ozirom na preventivno disciplino in kako se to pozna pri pojavljanju motečega vedenja pri pouku. Raziskava je bila izvedena s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki ga je rešilo 86 osnovnošolskih učiteljev. Šlo je za učitelje, ki so tedaj poučevali v 2. ali v 5. razredu. Vpliv uporabe učnih metod na pojav motečega vedenja smo namreč analizirali glede na pet dejavnikov, in sicer razred, v katerem učitelj poučuje (2. ali 5.), tip šole (mestna ali podeželska), število let delovne dobe učitelja, naziv učitelja in zadovoljstvo učitelja s poklicem. Pri raziskavi sta bili uporabljeni kvantitativna in kvalitativna metodologija (komentarji učiteljev v anketnem vprašalniku). Zbrani podatki so bili statistično obdelani s programom SPSS. Ugotovili smo, da učitelji uporabljajo različne učne metode različno pogosto. Pri posameznih učnih metodah se moteče vedenje pojavlja bolj ali manj pogosto. Analiza je za naš vzorec pokazala, da na to, koliko motečega vedenja se pojavlja pri pouku, vpliva predvsem tip šole, število let delovne dobe učitelja ter zadovoljstvo učitelja pri delu. Ker je bilo v teoretičnem delu ugotovljeno, da je zelo pomembno, da učitelj uporablja različne učne metode, smo se posvetili analiziranju, kako pogosto učitelji pri pouku uporabljajo učne metode, ki zahtevajo medsebojno sodelovanje učencev (za katere je bolj značilno moteče vedenje). Ugotovili smo, da take učne metode bolj pogosto uporabljajo učitelji, ki so s svojim poklicem zadovoljni. Zanimivo je, da smo ugotovili, da se prav pri teh učiteljih pojavlja tudi manj motečega vedenja. Pomemben vidik izognitve motečemu vedenju je zagotovo tudi preventivno načrtovanje (ki vključuje razmislek o uporabi določenih učnih metod). Zanimalo nas je, kolikšen pomen pripisujejo učitelji implementaciji preventivne discipline pri pouku. Ugotovili smo, da ji pripisujejo večji pomen učitelji z daljšo delovno dobo in višjim nazivom. Poleg tega smo v raziskavi ugotovili tudi, da bolj pogosto, kot učitelji zaznavajo moteče vedenje, bolj pogosto menjajo učne metode, da bi preprečili moteče vedenje. Ta ugotovitev zopet kaže, da je preventivno načrtovanje ključno, saj omogoča hitro in smiselno ukrepanje v dani situaciji.

Keywords:učne metode
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110551 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12583497 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of teaching methods on disruptive behaviour occurence in lessons
The main goal of the thesis is to ascertain whether the deliberate choice of teaching methods influences the emergence of disturbing behavior during school lessons. In the theoretical part, the thesis analyses what is actually the role of a teacher in the school space, what kind of school lessons are modern, how teachers plan school lessons, and to which perspectives they are careful when planning. Furthermore, the thesis analyses which teaching methods are available for the teachers at all (mostly for teaching the subject of Slovenian language) and how they plan school lessons with the available teaching lessons with regards to different lesson plans. The perspective of preventive discipline is presented through the theory. It is analyzed why this is a very important and indispensable part to which the teachers should not forget when planning and performing school lessons. At the end of the theoretical part, the research performed in this field is analyzed and logically connected with the research which is described in the empirical part. With the empirical research which was performed in autumn 2018, we tested which teaching methods are used in the framework of school lessons of Slovenian language, what significance place the teachers on the planning of school lessons with respect to the preventive discipline, and how this results in the emergence of the disturbing behavior in school lessons. The research was performed by means of a survey questionnaire which was filled in by 86 elementary school teachers. The latter were the teachers who were teaching in the 2nd or the 5th grade at that time. The influence of the use of different teaching methods on the emergence of the disturbing behavior was namely analyzed with regards to five factors, i.e. a grade where the teacher teaches (the 2nd or the 5th), the type of school (urban or rural), the number of the years of service of a teacher, the title of the teacher, and the satisfaction of the teacher with regards to his occupation. The quantitative and qualitative methodologies were used in the framework of the research (comments of teachers in the survey questionnaire). The selected data were statistically processed by the SPSS program. We ascertained that the teachers use different teaching methods at different frequencies. In individual teaching methods, the disturbing behavior emerges more or less often. The analysis for our sample showed that, above all, the type of school, the number of the years of service of a teacher, and the satisfaction of the teacher with regards to his occupation influence the quantity of disturbing behavior during school lessons. Because it was ascertained in the theoretical part that it is very important that the teacher uses different teaching methods, we focused on analyzing how often teachers use the teaching methods which demand mutual cooperation of the students (for who disturbing behavior is more characteristic) during school lessons. We ascertained that such teaching methods are more often used by the teachers who are satisfied with their occupation. It is interesting that less disturbing behavior emerges exactly during the school lessons of such teachers. Surely, an important perspective of avoiding the disturbing behavior is also preventive planning (which includes consideration on the use of certain teaching methods). We were interested in what significance the teachers place on the implementation of preventive discipline during school lessons. We ascertained that teachers with more years of service and superior title place greater significance on preventive discipline. In addition, we also ascertained in the research that more often the teachers perceive the disturbing behavior, more often they change their teaching methods in order to prevent the disturbing behavior. Again, these ascertainments show that preventive planning is essential as it enables quick and sensible interventions in a given situation.

Keywords:teaching methods

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