
Krščanstvo v (post)sekularnem kontekstu: žrtev lastnega uspeha? : magistrsko delo
ID Šumrada, Maja (Author), ID Klun, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je sociološko–filozofski oris sodobne družbene situacije. Delo kritično ovrednoti umeščenost krščanstva v sodobnost, v sekularni oz. postsekularni družbeni kontekst. Ukvarja se z vprašanjem, ali je krščanstvo v (post)sekularnem družbenem okolju »žrtev lastnega uspeha«? Ad extra je krščanstvo lahko razumljeno kot »uspeh«, saj je njegove temeljne vrednote civilna družba sprejela za sebi lastne. A prav zato se krščanstvo kot prvotni nosilec teh vrednot v tej sekularni družbi tudi ne zdi več potrebno. Ad intra je krščanstvo torej lahko razumljeno kot »žrtev«; vendar kot »žrtev lastnega uspeha«, zato ker je omogočilo vzpon sekularizmu in ateizmu, ki pa ga sedaj želita izbrisati iz slike sodobnega sveta. Takšna družbena situacija predstavlja velik izziv za sodobno krščanstvo. V prvem delu je problematika obravnavana z zornega kota ad extra: krščanstvo je razumljeno kot uspešno oz. »uspeh«. Prvo podpoglavje obravnava misel italijanskega filozofa Giannia Vattima in njegov pogled na krščanstvo, v drugem podpoglavju pa je predstavljena misel kanadskega filozofa Charlesa Taylorja in njegov pogled na krščanstvo. V drugem delu je problematika obravnavana z nasprotnega zornega kota ad intra: krščanstvo je razumljeno kot »žrtev lastnega uspeha«. V prvem podpoglavju je predstavljena misel filozofa Davida Bentleyja Harta o krščanstvu. V drugem podpoglavju pa je obravnavana misel teologa Henrija de Lubaca o ateizmu. V zadnjem, sklepnem delu je podano razmišljanje avtorice dela ob soočenju prej predstavljenih argumentov o mestu krščanstva v sodobnem svetu in njegovih prihodnjih možnostih.

Keywords:Gianni Vattimo, Charles Taylor, Henri de Lubac, David Bentley Hart, krščanstvo, sekularizacija, sekularizem, ateizem, vračanje religioznega
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Šumrada]
Number of pages:VI, 105 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110468 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8191578 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Christianity in (post)secualr context: victim of its own success?
The present Master’s thesis seeks to develop a better understanding of a sociological-philosophical contemporary social situation. The thesis critically evaluates Christianity’s position in modern days, in secular or post-secular social context. The main question throughout the thesis is whether Christianity in (post)secular social environment is “victim of its own success”. Ad extra Christianity could be understood as “success” given the fact that its fundamental values were accepted by civil society as its own. That is also the reason why Christianity as the original carrier of these values appears to be no longer needed. Therefore, ad intra Christianity could be understood as “victim”; but as “victim of its own success” because it has enabled the rise of secularism and atheism, both of which want to erase it from the image of contemporary days. This social situation presents a great challenge for contemporary Christianity. The first part of the thesis focuses on the problematics from the ad extra point of view: Christianity is understood as successful or “success”. The first subsection focuses on the ideas of the Italian philosopher Gianni Vattimo and his views on Christianity; the second subsection presents the ideas of Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor and his views on Christianity. The second part then focuses on the problematics from the ad intra point of view: Christianity is understood as “victim of its own success”. The first subsection presents philosopher David Bentley Hart’s ideas about Christianity. The second subsection focuses on theologian Henri de Lubac’s ideas about atheism. Confronting formerly presented arguments, the thesis concludes with the author’s opinion about the place Christianity has in contemporary days and its future possibilities.

Keywords:Gianni Vattimo, Charles Taylor, Henri de Lubac, David Bentley Hart, Christianity, Secularization, Secularism, Atheism, Return of the Religious

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